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MW 22 August 2018

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maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 22 AUGUST 2018 20 FOOTBALL SPORTS A former British police chief constable accused of lying over his role in the 1989 Hillsborough football stadium crush that killed 96 fans will no longer face charg- es after a review of evidence, prosecutors said yesterday. Norman Bettison had been charged with four offences of misconduct in public office re- lated to statements he made in the aftermath of the disaster and about the culpability of fans which prosecutors believed were untrue. The victims, all Liverpool sup- porters, died in an overcrowded, fenced-in enclosure at the Hills- borough stadium in Sheffield, northern England, during an FA Cup semi-final between Liver- pool and Nottingham Forest. Police at first blamed the trag- edy on drunken fans, an explana- tion that was always rejected by survivors, relatives of the victims and the wider Liverpool com- munity. Families spent decades campaigning for justice for the 96. Prosecutors announced last year that they would bring crimi- nal charges against six people including Bettison and other for- mer police chiefs over the deaths and an alleged subsequent cover- up by police of their own mis- takes. The Crown Prosecution Ser- vice said on Tuesday they had discontinued the case against Bettison however following a number of developments. "These include changes in the evidence of two witnesses and the death of a third witness," it said. As a result there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. "I appreciate this news will be disappointing for the families and the CPS will meet with them in person to explain the deci- sion," it added. The families of those who died at Hillsborough said they were bitterly disappointed with the decision. Speaking outside court where the charges were dropped, Steve Kelly, whose brother Michael died in the disaster, said: "I'm ab- solutely devastated. I feel as if I've been beaten up this morning." The main campaign group said it would be exercising its right to an independent review. In a brief statement outside court, Bettison said his role around Hillsborough had been misrepresented. "I've been forced to deny stren- uously that I have done anything wrong in the aftermath of the disaster and today's outcome vindicates that position," he said. Charges remain in place against other officers including former police chief superinten- dent David Duckenfield who was in charge of police operations at Hillsborough on the fateful day. He was charged with man- slaughter by gross negligence. UK prosecutors drop charges against ex-police chief over Hillsborough

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