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MALTATODAY 23 September 2018

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NEWS maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 SEPTEMBER 2018 THE police have elevated a log- book that contains a list of taxi- dermy fowl handled by an illegal taxidermist. The information is now expected to be used as evidence against various third par- ties, namely hunt- ers who have shot protected birds and had passed on the carcasses to the taxidermist for taxi- dermy purposes. Police sources confirmed with MaltaToday that a father and son from Safi had been arrested following the discovery of a taxidermy op- eration. The police came across persons carrying out the stuffing and mounting of protected spe- cies while investigating the area after reports of illegal hunting were received. The two men who have had similar cases in the past and had been arraigned in court accordingly, were found to be in possession of various protected birds freshly shot in Malta such as Hon- ey Buzzards. The recently found logbook clearly shows the extent of illegal hunting on pro- tected birds in Malta and Gozo and also confirms that most of the shot protected birds end up as trophy ornaments in private collections, while those that are collected by the general pub- lic and passed on to the police could be a mere small fraction of the reality. Since the beginning of the month Birdlife Malta has noted the increase in illegal poaching and has confronted junior minis- ter, Clint Camilleri, to take back statements that the situation had improved. Birdlife has called on Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to set a wildlife crime unit and to sus- pend hunting in September and October. 30 • 15 • 47 • 12 • 14 27 • 1 • 19 22-09-2018 Draw No: 742 Logbook with list of shot birds and hunters offers clue to widespread poaching Police bust taxidermy operation Clint Camilleri claims that hunting illegalities are on the decline A 23-year-old woman has been found dead in an apart- ment in Gozo, the police have confirmed. The police said their as- sistance was requested at 1.15pm at a residence in Triq il-Kapuccini in Rabat, Gozo. Upon arriving at the apart- ment, the police said the woman, who is Nigerian, was found on the floor. An ambulance was called, how- ever the woman was certi- fied dead on the spot. A spokesperson for the po- lice said that while foul play could not be excluded it did not appear to be the case at this stage. A magisterial inquiry has been launched as police in- vestigations continue. Woman found dead in Gozo apartment A Grey Heron, one of the recorded 24 casualties this September

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