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MALTATODAY 10 October 2018 Midweek

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17 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 OCTOBER 2018 COMMERCIAL TO celebrate over a dec- ade of the unrivalled Bols Around The World (BATW) competition, Lu- cas Bols is mixing things up in 2019 by inviting bar teams to participate. Be- cause at the end of the day, it takes a talented team to create a remarkable cocktail experience. Participating bar teams are to create a unique recipe and creative theatrical concept using one or more products from the complete Lucas Bols Global Portfolio (Bols Genever, Bols Liqueurs, Bols Vodka, Damrak Gin, Galliano, Passoa, and Vac- cari), to allow for maximum inspiration. Teams will post a video of their bar team bringing their concept and recipe to life on their so- cial media channels. Those interested can register on www.bolsaroundtheworld. com. Registration opens on 19 October 2018. "With our BATW 2019 competition, we intend to challenge and inspire every cocktail professional around the world. We are excited to give this 10th edition a twist by tapping into the creative energy of bar teams. At Lucas Bols, we strongly believe in the power of team spirit, and we look forward to the inspira- tion BATW 2019 will bring to the bartending com- munity," said Huub Van Doorne, CEO Lucas Bols. Entries will go through two rounds of judging, the first by the Lucas Bols Global team, the second by industry icons Alex Kratena (top bar industry Influencer and Founder of P(OUR)), Boudewijn Mesritz & Lyd- ia Soedadi (Founders and Owners, Tales & Spirits Amsterdam, listed number 35 by The World's 50 Best Bars 2017), and Steve Sch- neider (Partner and Princi- pal Bartender, Employees Only in NYC & Singapore). The six finalist bar teams from North America, East- ern/Central Europe, West- ern Europe, Asia Pacific, South/Central America and Africa/Middle East, will be flown to Amsterdam to compete in the Grand Fi- nale on Wednesday 19 June 2019. The winning bar team will receive a trip for up to 3 members of their bar team to one of the following cit- ies: Berlin, Cape Town, Dubai, London, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, or Tokyo (see Rules & Regula- tions for more information). The Lucas Bols portfolio is imported, marketed and distributed by Farsons Bev- erage Imports Company (FBIC) limited, a member of the Farsons Group. New concept for 10th edition of Bols Around The World APS Bank has continued its collab- oration with the University of Mal- ta with the launching of the 'Green Space'. This latest project was in- augurated on Monday 8th Octo- ber, 2018 by Marcel Cassar, APS Bank CEO and Professor Alfred J. Vella, Rector, in the presence of representatives from the Bank and the University who worked on the task. The 'Green Space' represents the transformation of the Porta-Cabin facility into a multipurpose space where students can have a break, gather and relax, allowing them to better cope with the demands of their studies. In line with its green objectives, APS Bank has wrapped the Porta-Cabin in an image that depicts the beauty of the Maltese countryside at its best. Cassar said the 'Green Space' was just one way of the bank expressing its support to the University in its efforts to promote greater environ- mental and sustainability aware- ness amongst the student com- munity. "It also sends the message that the return derived from space is not necessarily an immediate, monetary one that is measured in terms of business generated - but there is a longer term return meas- ured on the basis of benefit to stu- dents and value to the community at large,'' he said. Vella said the small space mim- iced a green area – granted, with- out the fragrance of flowers – but with visuals that remind one of plant life. "Inside, it offers effec- tive comforts that should attract users," he said. "We hope students will adopt this informal space and make it one of their favourite spots where they can relax or meet to exchange views and ideas or read a book or continue a social media chat line." APS Bank launches 'Green Space' at the University of Malta First walk/run organised by the Simblija Care home OVER 150 people took part in this activ- ity held on 7 October 2018 in order to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. Charmaine Attard said that as we grow older an active lifestyle becomes para- mount to our health. "As the General Manager of Simblija Care home I recognise more the impor- tance of maintaining an active lifestyle especially as we grow older. We need to keep exercise as part of our daily routine," she said. "The more we get used to being active as part of our everyday timetable, the more we are able to maintain it as a part of our lifestyle even in the long term." Simblija Care home encourages all types of activities in the elderly lives' daily routine, starting from physical activities within our facilities like pool therapy or even walks in the gardens, surrounding the premises to mental stimulating activi- ties like crossword competitions, remi- niscence or bingo, which are organised regularly at the Care Home. "It is for this reason that we have part- nered with K9 Malta to come to Simblija Care Home and organise activities with the residents through what they refer to as 'pet therapy'. The residents now look forward to the dogs visiting and always eagerly wait for their scheduled visits, which bring joy and smiles all around," Attard said. "Therefore, together we have organised this walk/run in order in order to raise awareness about the importance of being active, especially as we grow older. It was truly satisfying to see people of all ages come together and raise aware- ness about such an important topic." Donations collected from the event went towards K9 Urban Search and Res- cue Malta. Simblija Care Home is part of AX Care. Professor Alfred J. Vella, Rector and Marcel Cassar, APS Bank CEO launching the 'Green Space'

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