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ILLUM 24 March 2019

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illum | Il-Ħadd 24 ta' Marzu 2019 Aħbarijiet 8 'Il-ġenituri ta' persuna b'diżabilità Dar il-Kaptan -Imtarfa to ri servizz ta' għajnuna għall-mistrieħ lill-ġenituri ta' persuni b'diżabilità jew lil dawk li jieħdu ħsiebhom għax temmen li anke huma għandhom bżonn jistrieħu. L-ILLUM iżżur din id-dar u tmiss b'idha x-xogħol siewi li twettaq Minn Yendrick Cioffi "ILĠENITURI ta' persuni b'diżabilità għandhom ukoll ikollhom il-ħin ta' mistrieħ tagħhom. Hawn l-għajnuna, fittxuha u ħuduha." Dan kien kliem Martin Saliba, li mhuwiex biss iċ-Chairperson ta' Dar il-Kaptan fl-Imtarfa iżda wkoll ġenitur ta' persuna b'diżabilità li gawda mis-servizz li toffri din id- dar. Forsi mhux kulħadd sema b'Dar il-Kaptan u kien dan li wassal lill-gazzetta ILLUM biex iżżur din id-dar u tara b'għajnejha x-xogħol siewi li jsir fiha. Tilqgħek mhux biss l-indafa iżda anke l-ambjent sabiħ li hija mdawra bih. Tkellimna ma' Martin Saliba u anke ma' Frida Mangion, Acting Administrator, li spjegaw kif l-għan ta' Dar il-Kaptan huwa li toffri ħin ta' mistrieħ lill-ġenituri jew qraba ta' persuni b'diżabilità bl-għan li dawn jibqgħu jifilħu jieħdu ħsieb lill-persuni b'diżabilità fil-komunitajiet li fihom trabbew. Martin Saliba spjega kif aktar minn 25 sena ilu, meta nfetħet Dar il-Kaptan, dan is-servizz ta' għajnuna għall- mistrieħ kien nieqes u kienu l-ġenituri stess ta' persuni CAREER OPPORTUNITY Lands Authority is seeking applications from interested persons to fill the following position: Manager - Management Accounts & Financial Control Jobplus Permit Number – 230/2019 ESSENTIAL Qualifications Undergraduate diploma (MQF Level 5) in Management or equivalent or higher qualification than MQF Level 5 in management accounting or a related field Management Organisation Communication Analytical Accounting DESIRABLE The prospective jobholder is expected to be a highly energetic individual who shall display high levels of initiative and thorough preparation and will also be an excellent communicator. He / She shall demonstrate excellent time skills and be able to work on a tight schedule and deadlines, as well as, to be a strong team player. Interested persons are kindly requested to submit a letter of application and a detailed CV only by email, as one pdf document to: by Monday 8th April 2019. Emails are to indicate the position being applied for and the name of the applicant in the subject. Applications will be acknowledged and treated in strictest confidence. For more information visit the link below: WE ARE RECRUITING Experience At least five years' experience in an accounting function/department. Preference will be given to those having at least three of the five years, direct experience in a management accounting and budgeting function Skills Pleasant personality Meticulous; and Can work under pressure Meet deadlines Attention to detail Other Attributes (if applicable)

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