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MALTATODAY 3 April 2019 Midweek

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NEWS maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 3 APRIL 2019 2 We are currently seeking motivated and enthusiastic personnel to join our rapidly growing company. Positions in the following departments are vacant on full time and/or part time basis. Kitchen Restaurant Front of House Bar Hotel Front Office Maintenance IT Accounts Housekeeping Labourer Applicants require a minimum of 1 year experience in the respective position or similar. All candidates must be self-motivated, driven and team players. Fluent English speaking is a must. . . For further information Kindly email us on or phone +356 77323126 . R E C R U I T M E N T OPEN DAY Attend our recruitment open day, no appointments necessary. Bring a copy of your CV to MedAsia Fusion Lounge on the 8th of April between 10:00 - 13:00 or 16:00 - 19:30, and a member of our Management Team will be there to meet you. Attractive salary packages and benefits will be offered to the chosen candidates. Interested in joining our team? MedAsia Co Ltd - Sea pebbles leisure Ltd - Pebbles resort Ltd JAMES DEBONO THE Planning Authority has approved plans submitted by Smart Moves Limited to de- molish Villa Moira opposite the Smart Supermarket and uproot its garden to make way for a so-called "second phase" devel- opment consisting of "a com- mercial unit with overlying resi- dential apartments". In its decision the PA specified that the development permis- sion covers only "the uprooting of the existing trees, the demoli- tion of the existing building and structures and site clearance". No excavations can be carried out in this site at this stage. The garden which occupies nearly 2,000 sq.m includes 46 orange citrus trees as well as an almond tree, an olive tree, a pomegranate tree, a plum tree and a number of fig trees. The Environment and Re- sources Authority did not object to the removal of the trees. The application, which at this stage contains no concrete plans for future development of the area, was approved through the fast tracked summary procedure used for any developments out- side the urban conservation area envisaging development of less than 16 apartments. Such applications have to be approved in 42 days. Such ap- plications are approved without the need of a public hearing and a full case officer report and af- ter a consultation period of 2 in- stead of three weeks. The modernist villa had been previously described by the Su- perintendence for Cultural Her- itage as one "built to a design that mirrors the typical architectural style that was prevalent in the late 1950s or early 1960s". But it did not object to its demolition. The developers had withdrawn an earlier application to use the area to create 71 parking spaces. On 25 April the Authority is set to approve the redevelop- ment and demolition of the present Smart Supermarket. The proposed Smart Shopping Complex will include five car park levels, a supermarket, a shopping mall and a bakery. Apart from the site of the cur- rent supermarket the new devel- opment also includes includes two separate plots facing on Triq in-Naxxar Road, another plot facing on Triq Ganu and a row of houses facing on Triq il- Mithna. The planning directorate has deemed the development to represent an improvement over the existing situation in terms of urban planning and traffic. Villa Moira garden to be uprooted to make way for apartments The garden occupies nearly 2,000 sq.m and includes 46 orange citrus trees YANNICK PACE A leaked video showing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle celebrating dur- ing a party at Girgenti Palace did not constitute a breach of the ministerial code of ethics, an investigation by the Stand- ards Commissioner has found. The investigation was request by independent MEP candidate Arnold Cassola after the video went viral on WhatsApp back in February. In his report, Standards Com- missioner George Hyzler noted that the principal permanent secretary had informed him that there was no specific policy on the use of properties owned by the state. Moreover, the PPS "assured" the commissioner that the event was not a political one and that the video was taken at a "family event". This was confirmed by the Prime Minister who told the Commissioner that the event was a private party organised for his 45th birthday "for which no public funds were used". Cassola had requested that the Commissioner investigate the Prime Minister's behaviour in the video as well as the "donation of state property for use by a po- litical party" within the context of the country's party financing laws. In his conclusions, Hyzler said while it was true that ministers had to uphold the highest stand- ards in their personal behaviour, he added: "There should be an objective basis for one to arrive at the conclusion that a minis- ter's behaviour in private was in breach of this obligation." Hyzler went one step further. "Not all that some could find to be in bad taste necessarily amounts to a breach of the code of ethics... In my view, for one to celebrate, within the limits of decency and in their own home, cannot be considered behaviour that requires censuring." He added that given that Mus- cat was "entitled to live in a state residence, it follows that, in addi- tion to state functions, the per- son should have a right to organ- ise private parties and events in that resident and to invite family and friends". Guests singing a political song did not mean that it was no long- er a private event, the Commis- sioner said. The Commissioner concluded that the Prime Minister celebrat- ing, as well as him holding a party at his official residence did not breach the ministerial code of ethics or any other statutory ob- ligations. In his reply to the Commis- sioner, Cassola said that he "ab- solutely did not agree" with the conclusions, stressing that they would simply "encourage more arrogant politicians to continue abusing their positions of influ- ence". Standards Commissioner finds no ethical breach in PM's Girgenti party The Standards Commissioner found no breach of the ministerial code of ethics by the Prime Minister

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