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25.04.19 TRENDSETTERS How did your group come together? Living in a new city and strug- gling to fi nd a stylist to cut his hair, Maxx put together the idea of an app aimed to easily fi nd beauty professionals for everyday needs. He called Alessandro, know- ing about his background in software, and pitched the idea. Quickly into the conversation, Alessandro was sold. ey began by making a busi- ness plan that detailed how the app would work and how it would service beauty and cos- metics. Together they refi ned the lay- out of the screens and neces- sary functions to give users the best possible experience. Ales- sandro proceeded to develop the app, bringing the vision to the phone screen. A year later and the fi rst ver- sion complete, Alessandro reached out to his prior soccer teammate, Lerthon, just weeks before the launch. He imme- diately saw the potential in Do Up. With his experience in ad- vertising, he joined the team to help to promote its value and spread the word around the world. Now, after being available for close to four months, more than 250 people are enjoying Do Up and more are coming aboard each day. What does the app do and who is it aimed at? Do Up covers all of your beauty needs. Whether you're looking to fi nd a top stylist or get in front of new clientele, Do Up is seamlessly connecting beauty professionals with clients. From hair care to pedicures and all the services in between, Do Up is reshaping the beauty and cosmetics industry. Do Up off ers the following features for beauty profession- als: • Create a personalised pro- fi le • Fill in your services and upload photos to highlight your talents • Get rated and reviewed by your clients • Attract new clientele to ex- pand and grow your busi- ness • See other professionals' profi les and check out their work What does the client gain? Clients can: • Discover top beauty pro- fessionals anywhere • Narrow the search by se- lecting the services you need • Contact the stylist directly to make an appointment • Rate and review stylists based on your experience • Get the look you deserve by fi nding the stylist of your choice You launched the app in the US. Why do you believe this app will do well in Malta? Born in Malta, Lerthon is fa- miliar with this place and its people, which will help us scale during the initial expansion outside of the US. ere is a signifi cant diff erence in market size between the United States and Malta, but we believe this country is perfect for our app. Our goal is to ease people's search for everyday beauty needs. e value of the app is to make the process of con- necting much simpler for both stylists and clients. e people in Malta have a high regard to beauty, which is why the app will be a true asset here. Pair that with Malta's remark- able advancements in technol- ogy over the past decade, we feel confi dent that the Maltese people will love Do Up and make it the go-to app for all things beauty and cosmetics. Can we expect more developments from you and your partners? How do you see this app growing? We are constantly working to improve the app by rolling out new features while also en- hancing the existing function- alities. We are good listeners to our users and we are learning from them as time goes on and we update features according- ly. e app is becoming the top platform for stylists to high- light their talents and attract new clients. We see Do Up becoming the tool for professionals to not only grow their businesses, but to run them too. Ranging from vastly di erent backgrounds, e Do Up Group are three guys who have a common passion to add value through a new product. Together, they created an app that is changing the experience within the beauty industry. BUSINESS TODAY has learned that a er launching in the US, they are now targeting the Maltese market Meet the trio behind an app designed to cater to everyday needs in the US ... and Malta Do Up is a diverse mix of individuals. Maxx Feldman (left) was born and raised in Los Angeles, but moved to New York for college to play baseball and study chemical engineering. After spending several years in oil and gas, he decided to move back home to join a real estate investment firm. Alessandro Incerto (centre) is from Venezuela, but now lives in New York City. He played soccer in college, received a degree in software engineering, and is currently a software engineer for one of the largest international financial companies. Lerthon Theuma (right) was born in Malta and now also resides in New York after playing soccer and studying at a college outside of the city. He is now a Copywriter for a long-standing world wide advertising agency, located in New York. We are constantly working ly. e app is becoming the top

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