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MALTATODAY 8 May 2019 Midweek

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maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 8 MAY 2019 7 NEWS ANALYSIS spire a crowd. It is also unclear whether other possible contestants like Ian Borg have the depth of political vision to lead a party. And it remains to be seen whether galvanised by suc- cess in MEP elections, Miri- am Dalli will stand for party leader, becoming Malta's first female political leader, a step which would be in tune with Muscat's present emphasis on gender equality. But even Dalli needs to step up her act if she is seriously considering the post of party leader. Any any aspirant to the La- bour post will be compared to Muscat in the same way as all post-2004 PN leaders were compared to Eddie Fenech Adami. The comparison will be even more brutal if the ad- vent of a new PL leader coin- cides with an economic slow- down. The impact may be mitigated if Muscat opts for a transitional phase in which he would continue serving as PM while the PL elects a new leader. But this could well impinge on the new leader's ability to steer his own course. Indeed the roadmap depends on Muscat's future ambitions. Without a European post co- inciding with the advent of a new EU commission, Muscat may be more amenable to a transitional phase where he serves as PM. And then the other question remains: will big business prefer continuity with Muscat's pro-business policies or will they shun a leader bent on restoring his party's social democratic cre- dentials? galvanising the Labour vote Instead of slowly letting go, Joseph Muscat is underlining his role as the party's best asset European Parliament and Local Council Elections - May, 2019 Early Voting The Electoral Commission informs those voters who intend to vote one week before polling day, owing to their being abroad or hospitalized, that they may personally call at the Office of the Electoral Commission, Counting Hall Complex, Naxxar, or at 28A, St Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo, to effect the necessary sworn statement as follows: Monday to Friday: 8.00 a.m. until 1.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. until 7.00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays: 8.00 a.m. until noon The legal deadline to effect such applications by affidavit is noon of Friday 17th May, 2019. Applicants must show their I.D. or Residence Card. NOTICE BY THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION

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