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25.07.19 16 TOWNSCAPES THE Planning Authority has car- ried out a policy review for an area in Dingli known as Ta' Kalċ. e new policy is proposing to increase the building height for this area whilst at the same time provide a transition with the Out- side Development Zone (ODZ). e area had been included in the 2006 rationalisation exercise and was also subject to an ap- proved planning control appli- cation (PC 85/07). e Planning Control application had estab- lished the zoning as terraced de- velopment with a building height of two floors plus three courses basement (12.30m). e draft policy is proposing a stepping down of the building heights from 17.50m to 15.40m and further decrease to 12.30m for frontages at the back of the site facing the ODZ. Additional- ly, for heights of the building fa- cades facing the ODZ, a height of 12.30m with a setback of not less than 3m from the alignment of the floor below is applicable. To view the full proposed pol- icy you may visit the Authority's website tation. Representations are to be made in writing and sent via e-mail to: Submissions on the proposed policy are to reach the Planning Authority by the 16th of Septem- ber 2019. Reviewing policy for an area in Dingli known as Ta' Kalc LAST week, the Planning Au- thority's Compliance & En- forcement Directorate, accom- panied by the Malta Police Force and Health and Immi- gration officials cordoned off an area in Marsa after investiga- tions concluded that a number of stables were illegally 'con- verted' to house foreign work- ers in inhumane conditions. e stables in Sqaq il-Ġerrejja corner with Sqaq l-Istallel in Marsa were turned into make- shift residences to cater for for- eign workers seeking cheap ac- commodation facilities on the Island. e Planning Authority found that the stables were converted into 19 small living accommo- dation quarters of approximate- ly 20sq.m to accommodate 12 or more persons. e foreign- ers cooked, washed and slept in conditions that were a health hazard not only due to being significantly overcrowded but also as they lacked adequate sanitary facilities. In total, 200 beds were found in the units. 37 individuals were arrested by the police and taken in for further questioning. Marsa stables converted into makeshift accomodation for migrant workers 12 people were living in 20sq.m rooms

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