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MALTATODAY 27 October 2019

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11 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 27 OCTOBER 2019 NEWS COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 29 th Ottubru, 2019 12.00pm 104/98 - JGL Azzopardi Joseph pro et noe vs Zammit Ray Dr noe et The tenements numbered from 245 till 252 in Triq San Pawl, San Pawl il-Baħar valued together at €550,000. The tenements numbered 245,246 and 247 situated in higher open air entry level from the street and accessible through an open staircase, the tenement numbered 245 consists of a ground floor underlying the first floor numbered 246, the tenement numbered 246 consists of first floor overlying the ground floor numbered 245 and the tenement numbered 247 is overlying the tenements numbered 248 and 249 as well as small part of tenement numbered 250. The tenement numbered 248 is accessible from a street and partially underlies tenement numbered 247. The tenement numbered 249 is accessible from a street and partially underlies on the other part of tenement numbered 247. The tenement 250 consists of a ground floor overlies almost totally tenement numbered 251, with entrance on the ground floor underlies a small part tenement numbered 247. The tenement numbered 251 is a groundfloor tenement underlying the first floor number 250. The tenement 252 consists of a house on two floor originally from a adjacent room, used a sitting room that had another door numbered 253 in the street and was change to a window. 05 th November, 2019 10.30am 45/19 - EM Martinelli Marcella (ID151575M) noe et vs Fenech Caterina The undivided share of 22/180 on tenant numbered 126 in Triq l-Oratorju, Bormla, unknown boundaries, starting from a minimum price of €15,300 with the admission of extraneous bidders. 05 th November, 2019 11.00am 14/17 - EGL DeBono Edward Av (ID592758M) noe vs Hili Paul (ID501758M) et Villa named 'Is-Sienja' formely named "Casa Sant Manduca" without official number in Triq Ras il-Wardija formerly known as Triq San Gorg in Wardija, limits of San Pawl il- Baħar together with the adjacent lands which form an integral part of it with approxiamate measurement of 15,800 sqm. The said villa and the adjacent lands are bounded by North with the said street and on the South and West by property of John Dei Conti Sant Manduca or his successors in title, which property is free and unencumbered, with all its rights and enjoyments, valued at €13,600,000. 07 th November, 2019 10.30am 32/16 - JGL Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C2833) vs Merger Enterprises Limited (C7066) Ununumbered garage named 'Elia' in Cannon Road, Qormi other times referred to as Santa Venera. The said garage is bounded on East by Cannon Road, North by property of Emanuel Galea and on the south by property of Carmelo Dingli or his successors in title and subject to annual and sub perpetual ground rent of €41.05 payable directly to the subdirectors, payable annually in advance, free and unencumbered with all its right and appurtenances, tale quale and with vacant possession valued at €235,000. 12 th November, 2019 11.30am 31/18 - EGL Vella Renato (ID497581M) et vs Mamo Lorranie (ID398164M) Garage internally marked number 5 forming part of a complex of five garages on street level, underlying the block known as "Gretel Court", in Triq il-Klarissi in Saint Julians with a common entrance from the same street, which garage is bounded from the West by the said street, South and North by property of Henry Caruana or his successors in title, valued at €25,000 the West by a drive in, from the South by a garage described 'v' and numbered 31 and from the North by a garage described 't' and numbered 29 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued €14,000 n) Garage numbered 31, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered from the West by a drive in , and from the South by a garage described 'w' and numbered 32, and from the North by a garage described 'u' and numbered 30 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued €12,600. o) Garage numbered 32, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered from the West by a drive in, and from the South by a garage described 'x' and numbered 33 and from the North by a garage 'v' numbered 31 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued at €12,600 p) Garage numbered 33, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered from the West by a drive in and from the South by a garage 'y' and numbered 34 and from the North by garage described 'w' and numbered 32 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued at €12,600 q) Garage numbered 34, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered from the West by a drive in and from the North by a garage described 'x' and numbered 33 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued at €14,800 The garage described in the architect's report under letter 'p' to letter 'y' are all bordered, from the North with Triq il-Ibjar, and from the East with a property of family Buttigieg or it successors in legal rights and from the West with a drive in with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; Included with the sale of each garage is the entrance from street to Car Lift, an undivided share of the car-lift with access to the basement and the ground-floor garages, the lift shaft, the ramp, emergency fire escape and another secondary stairs ,including the undivided share accessible from the common parts by a vehicle and by foot and a drive-in from the car lift to the respective garage. Access for the complex of garages is an unnamed and unnumbered common entrance in Triq Antonio Zahra, Zejtun. These garages are subject to a passage, drain and pipes that collect rain water in favor of the overlaying properties and access right to do maintenance work in respectable hours after a notice has been given before. Included with this sale there is an undivided share with every garage from a well in the basement. Theses garages are subject to a perpetual ground rent of €2.33 as a share of a higher ground rent on the whole plot that this complex has been built. The ground rent is revisable after 100 years that began on the 3rd February of 1962 and thereafter every fifty years of the value at that time. 28 th November, 2019 11.30am 49/18- EM Gialanze Joseph Garage internally numbered 1, forming part of a building complex without number, named Cassar Buildings, situated in Triq il- Barjola in Gudja, consisting of a block of IDI668044M) et Vs Barjola (Real Estate) Limited (C17670) garage rather a store with an office, and overlaying offices, which property is all found built on a divided share of land known as plot numbered 4, measuring approxiametely 141 sqm, forming part of the territory known as "Tal-Mithna", known as "Ta' Mensiva", known as "Ta' Don Angelo" and bounding North with property of Carmelo Cassar Limited, with East with property of C.A.E.J.A. Abela Brothers and West by the said Triq Barjola. The garage, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and enjoyments, is valued at €253,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Marvic Farrugia For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals also having a shaft. The property is valued at €110,000. 19 th November, 2019 10.30am 21/19 - EGL Scerri Victor (ID557361M) pro et noe vs Portelli Joseph Mary (ID536861M) et Showroom unnamed and unofficial numbered built on a corner plot to the main facade, bounded by Triq it-Turisti measuring approximately 19.5m and a secondary facade measuring approximately 19.8m by Triq it- Trill, Qawra, San Pawl il-Bahar, with direct access from the said streets and is underlying the block named Belveder Court and overlying garages property of Chrismarmig Company Limited or his successors in title, with a superficial area of approximate 507sqm, built on a divided portion of land as described in the acts of Notary Carmel Gafa' dated 26 th April, 1999, free and unencumbered and exempt from any annual and perpetual ground rent and sub rent that may burden the property, valued at €1,014,000 The said block is bounded on the South by the said street from where it is accessible, West by property of Falzon Service Station Limited and East by Triq it-Trill. 26 th November, 2019 10.30am 42/16 - JGL HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C3177) vs Tristan Developments Limited (C42116) a) Garage numbered 17, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered from the East with a drive-in and from the North with garage described as 'j' without number, with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued at €16,500. b) Unnumbered Garage, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level, which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above.The garage is bordered from the East by a drive- in and from the South with a garage described 'i' and numbered 17, with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; The garage is valued at €13,500. c)Garage numbered 20, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level, which garage forms part of a complex garages named above. The garage is bordered from the East with a drive-in and from the North with a garage described 'l' and numbered 21 with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; the garage is valued at €13,300. d)Garage numbered 21, as described in the attached plan marked JBG 2 which is found at basement level, which garage forms part of a complex of garages named above. The garage is bordered by a drive-in and from the South by a garage described 'k and numbered 20, with all its rights and appurtenances for the related garage; the garage is valued €12,600. a process in which we all learn together by co-creating knowl- edge and sharing experiences," Balzan said. The focus of the project is on nature-based solutions to hu- man problems. "For example, planting trees helps in reduc- ing surface run-off by replac- ing impermeable surfaces with permeable ones from which the aquifers can re-charge. But they also provide shade and contribute to mental well-be- ing." Green roofs help in restoring biodiversity in cities but also help in cooling down tempera- tures in buildings and provide much needed recreational space. "While green roofs and green walls have entered popu- lar parlance and are sometimes considered in development projects, a lot of research still needs to be done to establish which kind of green infra- structure offers the best solu- tions in the Maltese contexts. Moreover architects and plan- ners need clearer guidelines on what actually constitutes a green wall or roof and how it is best adopted in the Maltese context." This also requires more in- telligent urban planning based around these local solutions. "Trees can serve an impor- tant role in tackling air-quality. But even tree planting requires planning as the effectiveness of such measures is likely to de- pend on the tree species and the surrounding environment." The development of nature- based solutions is also linked to road infrastructure which is traditionally car-centred. On the other hand putting nature and trees at the centre of infra- structure comes with several benefits for residents, ranging from more shaded areas to water retention, in short mak- ing "our cities more liveable." But the first step required is to recognise renaturing is based on science and "requires the input of professionals in different fields," Balzan says such as scientific modelling in different areas ranging from air quality to hydrology. Ulti- mately the aim will be that of coming up with different solu- tions in the context of Malta's limited space. "The idea is to use nature- based solutions to address a wide variety of issues rather than one particular issue like flooding. One should structure nature-based solutions to pro- vide multiple benefits." For example, recent studies have shown that urban green spaces can provide a habitat to pollinators like wild bees, of which Malta has 101 species, and may also have an impor- tant role in the conservation of biodiversity. But it also comes with an educational benefit. The installation of bee hotels, offering nesting sites to wild solitary bees in public gardens also helps to instil curiosity in children and thus, perform an important educational func- tion. "Our children have a lack of contact with nature. How can we speak about the protec- tion of our countryside if our children lack any contact with nature in their daily life? Chil- dren should not have to go to Buskett or Comino to observe nature. They should be able to do so in their hometowns," Balzan says. But this also requires a quali- tative leap in how we plan our urban open spaces and gar- dens. "It is good that we invest in outdoor furniture and paving for our gardens but it is also very important that we bring nature closer to our children." Nature-based solutions also contribute to mental health to the extent that professionals in the medical field in other coun- tries are prescribing more time in nature apart from medicines. Moreover, having more green public areas also contributes to strengthening community ties. But while the future for na- ture-based solutions is prom- ising and is now recognised by international institutions like the European Union, the focus of this project at present is on research capacity building. "We are building the net- works. In the future there is a lot of opportunity for practi- cal projects involving nature- based solutions. We need to put our ideas to the test. We have to build the evidence to show this is the way forward through tangible deliverables not just in terms of addressing problems like flooding and air pollution but also in terms of human health and well being." "How can we speak about the protection of our countryside if our children lack any contact with nature in their daily life?" "We need to put our ideas to the test. We have to build the evidence to show this is the way forward through tangible deliverables" Mario Balzan

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