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BUSINESSTODAY 9 January 2020

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09.01.2020 PRIVATE BANKING SCOOTER 001 SHARING THE PRESENT, SO WE CAN BUILD A BETTER FUTURE. ONE APP. OVER 450 SHARED VEHICLES. Join the shared mobility revolution with GoTo starting at €0.16* per minute. * Rate per minute for Scooter trips on the GoTo Business Plan. Terms and Conditions apply. WITH the BNF Great Sale, BNF Bank is offering its current and new customers attractive discounts and extra value, on its core products. Until 29 February 2020, cus- tomers looking for a deal on financial solutions should look into BNF's offers on home loans, personal loans and credit cards. Customers can find home lending fit for their individual needs through the BNF home loan solutions, whether they are buying their first property, changing their primary resi- dence or purchasing their sec- ond. e bank is offering further offers on its Home Loan apart from the current offer of a 2-year or 4-year fixed rate. It is also throwing in a 100% dis- count on processing fees on its Home Loan, Buy-to-Let Loan and Home Value Loan, for good measure. e BNF Personal Loan allows customers to fulfil their person- al financial requirements such as buying a car, a boat or furni- ture for the home and garden. It can even be used for wedding planning, travel or investing in energy saving products. e BNF offer on the Personal Loan, running for the first two months of the year includes a reduction on the existing Per- sonal Loan interest rate with an additional 100% discount on processing fees. Credit Cards are a staple tool in everybody's wallet. ey of- fer the flexibility of having extra cash that can be withdrawn an- ywhere in the world and paid off when convenient, making shop- ping online a breeze. BNF is also waiving its an- nual fee for the first year on both Classic and Gold Credit Cards. "We are starting off the year with great offers aiming to make our already attractive financial solutions even more advanta- geous," said Rueben Bezzina, Head of Retail Banking Unit at BNF Bank. "e offers are on our core products – those that make a difference in the daily lives of both our loyal customers and our prospective clients." The BNF Bank Great Sale offers core services at attractive discounts

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