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ILLUM 2 February 2020

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03 aħbarijiet illum • IL-ĦADD 2 TA' FRAR 2020 Adrian Delia jippubblika r-rapport dwar il-kuntratt mal-VGH The Foundaon for Tomorrow's Schools (FTS), responsible for the building and renovaon of new and exisng State schools, is searching for a Chief Execuve Officer to deliver the vision, mission and strategic objecves of the Foundaon. The selected candidate will guide and provide oversight of all FTS operaons and assure quality of service, manage performance and overall resources, set and integrate strategy and direcon, and guide the FTS towards long-term success. The CEO shall have overall responsibility for the Foundaon and ensure effecve management structures. As the highest-ranking execuve official, the successful candidate will need to promote a strong work culture, vision and values and provide visible and inspired leadership. The FTS Chief Execuve Officer has the following key responsibilies: • provide overall direcon, effecvely manage, promote and implement the organisaon's aims and objecves, and develop the Foundaon's growth plan; • ensure that the operaons and acvies of the FTS are driven firmly and fully aligned with strategic policy objecves of the Ministry for Educaon and Employment as its main client; • raise and maintain the quality of service provision; and • lead, guide and direct the senior execuve team of the organisaon, movate subordinates and advance employee engagement. Interested persons must meet the following requirements: • hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a relevant discipline or in Business Administraon; • have proven experience in a senior management posion, with experience in the Public Service or the Public Sector being considered an asset; • be goal driven and with a proven track record for effecve team management and a high level of interpersonal, organisaonal and leadership skills; • have a strategic mindset; and • have the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Interested persons may apply by sending an applicaon leŒer and CV addressed to: The Human Resources and Communicaons Manager Foundaon for Tomorrow's Schools Sir Adrian Dingli Street Pembroke Closing date for applicaons is: Tuesday 18th February, 2020. VACANCY OF A CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER JOBSPLUS VACANCY PERMIT NUMBER: 480/2019 Ilbieraħ, il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Adrian Delia ppubblika r-rapport tal-evalwazzjoni dwar il-kuntratt ma' Vitals Global Healthcare biex dawn jingħataw tliet sptarijiet tal-poplu. Ir-rapport ingħata lill- Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni b'deċiżjoni tal-Qorti. Delia qal li huwa ċar li nħadem pjan li l-għan aħħari tiegħu kien li jinsterqu l-assi tal-poplu ħalli xi wħud jagħmlu l-miljuni minn fuq dahar il-poplu. Hu qal li mir- rapport joħroġ li fuq il-bord tal- evalwazzjoni kien hemm Manwel Castagna, wieħed mis-sieħba tan- Nexia BT. Ir-rapport jinkludi l-obbligi li kellhom jagħmlu Vitals. Skont dawn l-obbligi, Vitals kellhom jinvestu €179 miljun fuq medda ta' it snin biex iwettqu dawn l-obbligi. "Minflok dan l-investiment rajna l-Gvern iżid sena wara l-oħra, mill-finanzi pubbliċi, in-nefqa fuq it-tliet sptarijiet. Flok investa fil-privat kif wiegħed, il-poplu spiċċa jħallas il-miljuni kbar lill-kumpanija privata li naqset milli tagħmel l-obbligi tagħha," sostna l-Kap tal- Oppożizzjoni. Huwa qal illi l-Gvern irid iwieġeb għal dan l-iskandlu. "Il- Ministru tal-Finanzi irid iwieġeb u jispjega x'qed isir mit-taxxi tal- poplu." Delia qal li dan kien proċess ta' evalwazzjoni biex jiġġustifika l-inġustifikabbli. Il-poplu għandu dritt għat-trasparenza u għalhekk ittieħdet id-deċiżjoni li d-dokument jiġi ppubblikat. Hemm ċertezza li dak li l-poplu kellu jieħdu mhux qed jieħdu. "Dan ifisser li hemm responsabbilità politika li trid tinġarr mhux l-inqas mill- Ministru tal-Finanzi, mill- Ministru tas-Saħħa u anke mill- Prim Ministru," temm jgħid Il-Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

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