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14 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 1 APRIL 2020 COMMERCIAL ACROSS the globe, compa- nies and NGOs are stepping up action for their communi- ties to help people stay as safe as possible amid the Covid-19 outbreak. Locally, car-sharing pioneer GoTo is one of the companies leading the way, and it recent- ly announced a collaboration with the Malta Red Cross Soci- ety to provide the organisation with four vehicles to enable in- creased mobility for its team. "Right now we are supporting the recommendations made by the Health Ministry that peo- ple should stay home," said GoTo chief marketing officer Johnny Tominga. "With that in mind, we decided to put some of our Roundtrip fleet to good use in the community, and the Red Cross is one of the organ- isations that will be using it to do good." The Malta Red Cross Society plays a key role in providing aid to people in need and was set up to help the most vulnerable, without discrimination. In the current crisis, the organisation is needed to reach out to those who are confined to their hous- es. "We're proud to see our Go- To cars working hard at this time, and being used to take Red Cross volunteers and em- ployees wherever they need to go. The work of organisations like the Red Cross is vital at the moment, as they help to allevi- ate pressure on the wider local health system," Tominaga said. "We hope it will further en- courage people to follow the advice of the World Health Organisation and to stay home, wash their hands frequently, and maintain physical distanc- ing as much as possible." In the meantime, GoTo cars are still available for public use and the company is following WHO advice to ensure they are as safe to drive as possible. Aside from encouraging its team to work from home, it has also increased efforts to clean and sanitise its vehicles even more regularly than before, with all relevant team mem- bers wearing gloves and masks to reduce the risk of contami- nation. The company has also set up a dedicated webpage with key in- formation about how custom- ers can make their trips safer, and it is online at www.goto. "Like everyone else, our prime concern at the moment is peo- ple's well-being, so we are do- ing everything we can to facil- itate the wider mission to keep them safe," Tominaga said. "Once we get past this, we look forward to continuing on our mission to improve urban lifestyle by developing shared transport solutions and pro- viding the freedom of mobil- ity. We hope to continue to see growth in usage of our car and scooter fleets and will keep seeking smarter and more sus- tainable ways to help people travel," he adds. GoTo provides Red Cross with four vehicles Malta's car sharing leader is working with the Malta Red Cross Society to ensure that affected individuals can get the supplies they need to stay home and stay safe.

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