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BT 53 9 April 2020

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€1.50 THURSDAY 9 APRIL 2020 • ISSUE 53 WWW.BUSINESSTODAY.COM.MT PAUL COCKS EUROGROUP finance ministers have rallied behind a call for compromise by Malta, after failing to reach an agreement over the bloc's fiscal response to the Covid-19 emergency, following a 16-hour long teleconference. e Eurogroup meeting, which kicked-off one hour later than planned, had to take several breaks before calling it a day yesterday morning. e all-night talks focused on the ways to use EU's bailout fund, name- ly the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and on whether or not to include the Coronabonds scenario. PAGE 3 PAGE 3 PAGE 2 CORONAVIRUS Editorial PAGE 7 BRACING OURSELVES FOR A LEANER, SMALLER AIR MALTA 'If the EU fails in this hour of need, it can pack up' - Edward Scicluna Real estate agency predicts coronavirus will lead to 10% drop in property prices EUROGROUP MINISTERS DISGAREE ON FISCAL RESPONSE TO COVID-19 Finance minister expects agreement today, but also 'showmanship and some cliffhanger negotiations' Air Malta makes 108 pilots, 139 cabin crew redundant after unions refuse pay cut MATTHEW VELLA AIR Malta has taken the unprece- dented step to make 108 pilots from its staff of 134 redundant, after the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA) refused to take a radical pay cut of €1,200 a month due to the corona- virus grounding all flights. PAGE 4 Edward Scicluna 92-year-old Gozo woman is first COVID-19 victim in Malta

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