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23.04.2020 4 NEWS SCOOTER 001 SHARING THE PRESENT, SO WE CAN BUILD A BETTER FUTURE. One app. Over 450 shared vehicles. Pay per minute, per hour or per day. * Rate per minute for Scooter trips on the GoTo Business Plan. Terms and Conditions apply. €1.50 PAGE 2 PAGE 5 Silvio Schembri apologises for 'unfortunate' foreign workers comments Banking customers offered home loan moratorium due to Covid-19 THURSDAY 19 MARCH 2020 • ISSUE 50 WWW.BUSINESSTODAY.COM.MT DAVID HUDSON A rescue package worth €1.8 bil- lion has been unveiled to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on the economy. PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Editorial PAGE 9 RIDING OUT THE STORM AND SAVING JOBS Coronavirus Government announces €1.8b rescue package to mitigate crisis Robert Abela BOV registers pre-tax profit of €89.2m • Government to pay companies €350 per employee on quarantine leave • Businesses ordered to shut down temporarily, will receive two days of assistance per week per employee Id-dinja dieħla f'riċessjoni? U Malta? ARA PAĠNI 12 u 13 €1.25 IL-ĦADD 22 TA' MARZU 2020 • NRU 701 'Il-Gvern huwa rrassenjat li se nitilfu x-xogħol. Mentri aħna rridu nsalvawh' 'ROBERT GĦINNA QABEL IKUN TARD WISQ' Il-GWU, l-MHRA, il-GRTU, il-FATTA u l-UĦM mal-ILLUM iwissu li jekk il-Gvern mhux se jħabbar miżuri ġodda se jibdew jingħalqu n-negozji u jintilfu l-impjiegi, speċjalment fit-turiżmu, fir-ristoranti u d-divertiment! ARA PAĠNI 4 u 5 PAĠNI 10 u 11 SUNDAY • 22 MARCH 2020 • ISSUE 1064 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY €1.95 maltatoday This won't work, Robert EDITORIAL MT2 ROBERT Abela's package does not go far enough and will not work. Malta has entered a war which has destabilised the economy and all its workers. Abela cannot be scared of spending and rack- ing up the necessary government debt needed for a national stim- ulus now: the risks of not acting will be greater than what lies ahead in the next months. He must alleviate economic hard- ship during the epidemic to pre- vent lasting damage to the econ- omy by stopping this recession from turning into the next Great Depression. What Malta needs is a form of universal credit for all, to keep aggregate demand up and so that idle workers at home can return straight to work at the end of the crisis and restore the supply chain. STAY IN, STAY SAFE, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT/COVID19 Our appeal is simple: Maltese businesses must be sustained by keeping workers in a job with a social insurance that sustains their wages CLAUDIO GRECH 'We cannot allow Maltese businesses to fail. We would be failing society' INTERVIEW MT2 Never before has your support of free and independent journalism been so crucial Support us with a subscription or a donation THE Malta Gaming Authori- ty (MGA) has recently estab- lished a data-sharing agree- ment with the International Cricket Council (ICC). The ICC is the international gov- erning body of cricket and is made up of over 100 na- tional governing bodies from around the world. It governs and administrates the sport, stages ICC global events, oversees playing regu- lations and through the Integ- rity Unit coordinates action against corruption and match fixing. This agreement will facili- tate the sharing of informa- tion between the two parties, in fulfilment of the require- ments at law. The MGA's Sports Integrity Manager, Antonio Zerafa said that the data sharing agree- ment with the ICC represents the Authority's on-going commitment of combatting match-fixing and other types of manipulation in sports. "In fact, this agreement will allow the MGA and the ICC to share crucial data related to the process of detecting, preventing and investigating activities related to manipula- tion of sports competitions," he said. MGA signs data sharing agreement with the International Cricket Council ECABS is investing in the de- velopment of a set of meas- ures aimed at opening its full suite of services to persons who require accessible trans- port mobility. In line with its strategic com- mitment to offer affordable mobility to everyone, eCabs has expanded its fleet to in- clude a fully-equipped van with a motorised lift, capable to serve both wheelchair us- ers and other passengers ac- companying them. Moreover, in its efforts to support the community in the Covid-19 challenge, eCabs has also decided to offer, for the coming weeks, this service free of charge to all persons certified by the Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) as requir- ing accessible transport, who would need to visit a hospital or a clinic, be they public or private. The launch of this new ser- vice is the result of a Mem- orandum of Understanding signed between eCabs and the CRPD which made eCabs the first passenger transport company in Malta to embark on a 'Accessible Mobility Agenda' to offer persons with who require it, the possibility of accessible transport and ease of use of its services. In fact, to ensure the com- pany fully meets the needs of persons who require accessi- ble transport, a full team of eCabs drivers have recently undergone Disability Equality Training – specifically deliv- ered by the CRPD to enable them to support their pas- sengers' requirements in the most professional way possi- ble. The provision of the service is subject to a series of terms and conditions, primarily re- lated to the observation of so- cial distancing restrictions in force at the moment. eCabs' Contact Centre can be con- tacted on 21 38 38 38. Free wheelchair transport service for eligible persons needing hospital visits

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