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MALTATODAY 26 April 2020

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11 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 APRIL 2020 Staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic Follow regular schedules and routines for waking up, dressing, eating, working, exercising, relaxation, entertainment and going to sleep. Limit caffeine and sugar intake. Establish objectives for each day as well as for the whole week. Sit outside in your balcony, yard, roof, garden or near a window to enjoy the sunshine. Keep yourself informed but limit the time spent focusing on COVID-19-related information. Keep regular contact with family, friends and colleagues through telephone and videocalls, text messages and group chats Breathe. Take slow deep breaths. Breathe in through your nostrils and concentrate on the temperature of the air as it goes in (cool) and as it comes out (warm). This can help you to remain calm. Keep your mind active. Reading, writing, playing an instrument, jigsaw puzzles or board games can help. Taking care of your Mental Health Mental Health It is ok to ask for help. Help and support is available 24/7 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Full Page Advert Newspaper MLT&ENG Mental Health COVID19 2020 Final.pdf 1 22/04/2020 11:28:42

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