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04.06.2020 3 NEWS THE whole economy is going through a significant shift and one area that is constantly under scrutiny and focus is the quality of customer support offered by businesses. e need to strike a bal- ance between providing top support and maximising returns has never been as relevant as now. Add to this the need for 24/7 support, across multiple languages, and the challenge is real. is is creating a growing need for companies to adopt technologies which optimise efficien- cy while protecting profit margins and managing costs. Against this backdrop, BMIT Tech- nologies and have entered into a strategic partnership that will allow BMIT Technologies to offer an effective and innovative customer support tool developed by to its customers, worldwide. e initial focus of this part- nership will be online gaming custom- ers, with both companies committed to further extend this collaboration over the next few years. e primary objective of the BMIT Technologies CX Virtual Agent is to automate the very notion of customer service. In the process however, it also improves customer onboarding, KYC (know your customer) processes, re- sponsible gaming and marketing. In fact, whereas builds and operates AI technology that empowers businesses by transforming the way they connect with customers, BMIT Tech- nologies will be channelling this tech- nology to its customers and help them unlock the endless power of Artificial Intelligence. "At BMIT Technologies we pride our- selves in offering the best technology solutions to our customers. Our solu- tions are built on a resilient infrastruc- ture and supported by the right set-up, a highly experienced team, as well as inno- vative thinking that helps our customers identify opportunities to enhance their business potential. We are very proud to partner with eir specialism in the world of AI, as well as commit- ment to excellence and innovation, is in line with our business philosophy and portfolio objectives. We're very excited about this partnership," said Ing. Chris- tian Sammut, CEO of BMIT Technol- ogies. Dr. Gege Gatt, CEO of added: "We are extremely excited about the partnership with BMIT Technologies which has established itself as a mar- ket-leader and a true catalyst of digital transformation. At EBO, we believe in technology innovation and most im- portantly, providing customers with the right AI solutions to help them scale quickly and sustainably. Our partner- ship with BMIT Technologies will help us offer advanced virtual agents to a much wider audience, starting from on- line gaming. e Virtual Agent will help platforms tackle traditional challenges in the iGaming sector." "Virtual Agents take the pressure off Customer Support agents and allows them to focus on the processes and business aspects which add value to the company's value proposition. It's about letting agents deal with the real prob- lems thus reaching new heights in effi- ciency levels," added Dr Gege Gatt. BMIT Technologies CX Virtual Agent is consultative in nature and once a company's unique context and problems have been identified, discussed and un- derstood, the product creates a rich data set built on conversations and dialogues with customers across all communica- tion channels such as Webchat, Face- book Messenger, WhatsApp, etc. e product offers continuous im- provement every week, improving both the language model in terms of recog- nition as well as the dialog workflows whilst scaling up and down based on growing or diminishing demand. Sup- porting over 80 languages, the CX Vir- tual Agent can cross-sell, upsell, detect churn and act accordingly whilst retain- ing the capability to handover to hu- mans at any point. But perhaps the most important as- pect of the product is its data and ana- lytics capabilities which are set to pro- vide businesses with the rich data they are constantly seeking to improve their products and their marketing initiatives. BMIT and in strategic partnership PRINCE'S Trust International (PTI), backed by the HSBC Malta Founda- tion, continued to support young stu- dents during the 2019-20 academic year, through its Achieve programme, delivering excellent results despite the current extraordinary circumstances. The programme, delivered by the Min- istry of Education and Employment (MEDE), which helps young people at risk of underachieving or dropping out from formal education this year saw 36 schools and educational centres across Malta and Gozo present students' work during the verification period. Malta be- came the first country outside the UK to launch PTI's Achieve programme in 2015. Maureen Amoroso, Education Of- ficer within MEDE responsible for the Prince's Trust International Achieve Programme, said: "We want to share with you the great results received by our centres, where all units of work pre- sented, were awarded a pass. Amongst the 36 centres, with nearly 450 students presenting over 100 units, four new cen- tres presented work for the first time in- cluding Maria Regina College Induction Hub in Naxxar, St Benedict College ERC Hellen Keller in Kirkop, Archbishop's Seminary in Rabat and Stella Maris Col- lege in Gzira. Nearly 40 students con- cluded their certificate even before the end of the academic year. They gained a certificate at MQF Level 3, recognised at MCAST and ITS and they can therefore further their studies at post-secondary level should they wish, using Achieve as one of the required entries. "As usual, all these positive results are a reflection of our educators' impec- cable work, professionalism and dedi- cation towards our Achieve students. Thanks to the support of the HSBC Malta Foundation, MEDE will contin- ue to deliver these programmes as part of our deep commitment to supporting young people in education and employ- ment. Such results show that, when giv- en the correct tools and channels, our students can all achieve through differ- ent paths." Caroline Buhagiar Klass, Head of Human Resources and Corporate Sus- tainability at HSBC Malta, comment- ed: "The HSBC Malta Foundation has committed €168,000 over three years to support the work of the Prince's Trust in Malta and Gozo. The results achieved by PTI Achieve students over the past academic year continue to be impres- sive and are in line with our Founda- tion's employability objectives. HSBC Malta Foundation looks forward to further strengthening our partnership with the Prince's Trust, as it contin- ues to positively transform the lives of young people across our islands. Such programmes serve to induce a decisive change in young students that inspires them towards bigger ambitions." Prince's Trust International achieves excellent results for its students