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MaltaToday 17 June 2020 MIDWEEK

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5 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 17 JUNE 2020 NEWS KARL AZZOPARDI LAWYER Bernard Grech has called on deputy prime minister Chris Fearne to do the right thing and stand up to the corrupt clique who have over taken the Labour Party. Grech was speaking during a vigil held in front of court in memory of slain journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. The gathering marks the day she was assassi- nated 32 months ago. The vigil, which is a monthly appointment, is the first to be held since COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings were lifted. It was held in front of the Great Siege mon- ument, opposite the law courts, which has be- come a makeshift memorial for the journalist. Grech claimed that Prime Minister Robert Abela was hand-picked by Joseph Muscat to continue covering up for the "corrupt clique of Castille". "They knew Fearne would hold them account- able," he said. Grech said Abela would ensure continuity in the disruption of Malta's institutions. He also called on the genuine Labour support- ers and MPs to return the party to its socialist roots. "They promised you a better Malta, but instead sucked the soul out of the country," he said. Grech also said that for the country to recover it needs a free government and a strong oppo- sition. Alessandra Decrespo from Repubblika also addressed those present, stating Daphne Caru- ana Galizia "was right". "They are scared of us, and Melvin Theuma's testimony is testament to that," she said. She also called out PM Robert Abela for being part of the "damned pact" he had spoken about prior to his appointment as new Prime Minis- ter. "You knew everything, yet you did nothing," she said. Andrea Delicata and Vickie Ann Cremona also addressed those present calling for justice. "They stole the country's money, they stole our democracy and they stole the rule of law," Delicata said. "We have to stop this criminality, and tackle it from its roots," he stated. Caruana Galizia vigil: Abela handpicked by Muscat to ensure corruption continuity, activist says PHOTOS BY JAMES BIANCHI

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