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09.07.2020 NEWS We are recruiting! Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their CV along with a covering letter to by not later than noon on Monday 20 July 2020. Only selected applicants will be summoned for an interview. • • • • • JOURNALISTS MediaToday Co Ltd Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 Tel. 21382741 • BUSINESS TODAY TODAY, APS Bank will be hosting its 15 APS talk, titled 'Rugby and the workplace: e unlikely parallels'. Albert Galea, Team Manager of the University of Malta Wolves Rugby Football Club will be presenting this talk. In the modern day sport- ing world, where glamour and money tend to steal the limelight, rugby is one of those sports that has stayed true to its core values. e talk will cover how values of trust, leadership and re- spect are root factors of the sport, and will draw parallels on how they can be key un- der-pinning features of any workplace as well. Albert Galea, one of the founding members of the club when it started in 2017, has held this role of Team Manager for the past two seasons, where he coordi- nates everything to do with the club's on-field prepa- ration and appearances. A journalist by day, Albert has been involved in sports since he was 6 years old, and still continues to play foot- ball competitively in recent years. at experience has served well in helping to turn UM Wolves RFC into one of the most organised and profes- sionally minded rugby clubs on the island. More details about this free talkare available at https:// www.apsbank stalks-15 Rugby and the workplace: the unlikely parallels TODAY'S APS BANK TALK BANK of Valletta's Home Loan sum- mer offers provide highly attractive financing for consumers wishing to buy their first or second home. "Consumers seeking finance for their first or second home, or com- pletion of their residential property, can benefit from very low interest rates and attractive loan terms," said Marisa Said, Head Consumer Fi- nance at Bank of Valletta. "e property market is going through a consolidation process with indicators of a price correction tak- ing place. Reduced property transfer tax and stamp duties as part of the Government's Economic Regenera- tion Plan in relation to COVID-19, and more realistic property prices coupled with the lowest ever bank interest rates, have widened the door for first time buyers and those who may over the years had been sporadi- cally thinking about purchasing their second property. ese current times could very well present that lucrative opportunity for prospective buyers." "Bank of Valletta's key home loan products have been revised to meet changing consumer behaviour and needs. Possibly priced at the lowest rates in the market, the BOV Home Loans provide increased affordabili- ty for home seekers to transition into home owners," concluded Marisa Said. Bank of Valletta also offers person- al loans to help customers furnish their homes or to make them ener- gy efficient. Customers who wish to take advantage of the current deals on BOV Home Loans or Personal Loans, can set up an appointment with a BOV home loan specialist simply by calling on 2131 2020 or sending an email at Summer offers with BOV Home Loans Aractive interest rates contribute to increased property affordability

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