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€1.50 THURSDAY 9 JULY 2020 • ISSUE 66 WWW.BUSINESSTODAY.COM.MT PAUL COCKS IT was obvious from the very beginning that the Vitals Global Healthcare deal was rigged and that the consortium's deal with the government was unethical, the chair- man of St James Hospital Group said today. Dr Josie Muscat told BusinessToday that when he had met Ram Tumuluri, CEO of the VGH consortium, on the possible sale of St James Hospital, he had immediately recognised Tumuluri was a fraudster and had proceeded to show him the door. "I have always stated that the VGH deal with the government was unethical and the NAO's report issued this week confirms just that, and so much more," Muscat said. PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 NAZZARENO VASSALLO INTERVIEW PGS 6 & 7 Editorial PAGE 5 VITIATED HOSPITALS DEAL MUST BE RESCINDED Vitals deal was blatantly 'unethical' from the very start, Josie Muscat claims 'No regrets, honestly' Families receiving coronavirus aid vouchers at home PAGE 2 Claudio Grech tipped to replace Delia as Opposition leader Post-COVID limbo: 70% of businesses cannot survive more than a year CLAUDIO Grech is the pre- ferred choice of the majority of PN MPs to replace Adrian De- lia but any change is unlikely to happen immediately, MaltaTo- day reported yesterday. Grech's name appears to have garnered consensus among the 19 members of the National- ist Party parliamentary group during a meeting held yesterday afternoon. PN MPs give Delia chance to leave but fail to say what happens if he doesn't KURT SANSONE & KARL AZZOPARDI Josie Muscat

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