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MALTATODAY 26 July 2020

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TRUTH IS OF NO COLOUR WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT/COVID19 PAGE 2 SUNDAY • 26 JULY 2020 • ISSUE 1082 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY THEATRE MT3 Marta Vella takes up the mantle for ZiguZajg Festival mt survey €1.95 Migration, the Opposition are top concerns PGS 14-15 MaltaToday Survey A crowded field of con- tenders for the Nationalist Party leadership could en- courage party councillors to vote for a fresh lead- ership election when the General Council is con- vened next week on Friday. Although MP Therese Comodini Cachia was nominated for the post of Opposition leader when rebel MPs passed a motion of no-confidence against leader Adrian Delia, the former MEP is one of the potential contenders for the party leadership. Warning over terrorism funding FIAU report shows vulnerability of economy to terror financing PAGE 6 SAVIOUR BALZAN MELVIN Theuma intended to pass on €15,000 to former Commissioner of Police Law- rence Cutajar in his bid to obtain a presidential pardon, ahead of his arrest on a mon- ey laundering charge. The claim was made by Theuma himself in one of the conversations he recorded secretly, and which he later gave to police after his arrest in November 2019, when he turned State's evidence to re- veal the truth into the assas- sination of Daphne Caruana Galizia murder. The conversations, record- ed in the weeks before Theu- ma was made aware that he would be arrested on a charge of money laundering, were held with Johann Cre- mona, business associate to Yorgen Fenech – the alleged mastermind. At this stage, it appears Cremona was in close con- tact with Kenneth Camilleri, the Security Services detail assigned to Castille and who acted as a messenger to Keith Schembri, the chief of staff to former PM Jo- seph Muscat. Theuma offered Edwin Brincat €15,000 to give to Cutajar Crowded house: PN members spoilt for choice Can the PN be great again? 12-13 PAGE 3 Theuma's recorded conversations show attempt to bribe Commissioner of Police Wide-eyed: the former Commissioner of Police addresses a press conference following the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in October 2017 maltatoday

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