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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 JULY 2020 12 COMMERCIAL Knorr serves 200 meals in collaboration with Chef Sean Gravina AS part of Knorr's Corpo- rate Social Responsibility pro- gramme, 200 meals were served to families who benefit from the services of the St Jeanne Antide Foundation. The NGO's aim is to support vulnerable individ- uals and families who are suf- fering due to very difficult life circumstances, many of whom are sliding into poverty and are socially excluded. Chef Sean Gravina cooked up a comforting baked pasta meal using Knorr's enriched flavours and this was delivered to the NGO to be distributed to those in need. "Often we forget how life can throw curveballs at us and put us in unthink- able situations where we are unable to provide for our fami- lies without the help of NGO's such as the St Jeanne Antide Foundation," commented Chef Sean Gravina, Knorr's Brand Ambassador. "It's a pleasure to be associated with brands like Knorr who care about those who may be going through dif- ficult periods, and seek ways to help wherever possible." "We're very happy to be able to play a small role in assist- ing those in need within our community," explained Lianne Dalla-Giacoma from M&Z Ltd, importers and local distribu- tors of Knorr. "As part of our annual corporate social respon- sibility programme, we commit to initiatives where our brand- can make a difference, and we felt that the St Jeanne Antide Foundation are more than de- serving of some support." Last year Knorr also gave meals to St Joseph's Children's Home in St Venera. Knorr forms part of the Uni- lever UK Ltd portfolio of food brands, who fully supported the initiative. "Knorr believes that wholesome, nutritious food should be accessible and af- fordable to all. And whilst that is unfortunately not a reality for everyone in today's world, Knorr have pledged to help families create healthy meals they can afford." Whether it is creating high-quality products, offering simple chef-developed recipes, or supporting organi- sations and initiatives that pro- vide access to healthy foods, Knorr remains committed to its long history of making good food available to everyone. For more information on the local range visit www.knorr. Knorr and Chef Sean Gravina deliver meals for St Jeanne Antide Foundation Over €17,000 raised by Infinitely Xara in dharity dinner in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza €17,390 were raised in the annu- al dinner in aid of Dar Tal-Prov- idenza organised by Infinitely Xara Co. Ltd, owned by the Zammit Tabona family. Over €98,000 were raised in the four consecutive annual events. This year, the event took place on Wednesday, July 15 and was attended by 80 people from different spheres of life. It was held in the lush pool area of The Xara Lodge, with the stunning medieval backgrop of Mdina overlooking the scene. This gastronomic experience was attended by various estab- lished companies, who gener- ously donated money to sup- port Id-Dar tal-Providenza. The principal sponsors for the night were Seifert Systems Ltd, The Point Shopping Mall, PwC, Francis J Vassallo & As- sociates, Malta Internation- al Airport and Bilom Group. Other sponsors included Mar- sovin, VJ Salomone, KRS Re- leasing, Farsons, Il-Qronfla, General Soft Drinks, Frutti di Mare and Jimmy Vella. Infinitely Xara treated the guests to an exclusively crafted five-course meal, accompanied by a selection of wines sere- nading the evening with live jazz by Russu and friends who offered their services free of charge for such a noble cause. Meanwhile, the Group an- nounced that it will be con- tinuing its support to Dar Tal-Providenza. "All our outlets at Infinitely Xara, namely The Xara Pal- ace Hotel, the newly launched Xara Lodge Terrace, The Xara Lodge Pool, the de Mondion Restaurant and Trattoria AD 1530 will be accepting gov- ernment vouchers and will be donating 10% of the value of the voucher to Dar tal-Provi- denza." "The Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all in many more ways than one, however some more than others as for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, and this is the reason why we decided to con- tinue with this annual event and host a reduced size dinner. Every little bit helps and can make a difference," Nicola Par- is Director said. This year, the event took place on Wednesday 15th July was attended by 80 people from different spheres of life Id-Dar tal-Providenza Staff

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