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BUSINESSTODAY 20 August 2020

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20.08.2020 11 TOWNSCAPES opment application it will have its fees waived. e intention is for the com- munity to benefit from a more pleasant aesthetic experience by having 'living walls' of plants dominating vertical planes, rather than a garden overlooked by bare walls. With land becoming such a scarcity, this incentive encourages new methods of introducing greenery into Malta's urban environment to pu- rify the air, reduce ambient temperature and enhance the community's well-be- ing. "We're eager to receive applications for innovative urban greening projects," continues Perit Cassar. "We want to see projects with sustainable ecology, the health of the community and a vi- sion for long-term success at their core. We've also introduced funding to cov- er maintenance costs because we know that site maintenance is off-putting from a financial perspective. erefore, for such projects, the funding applica- tion requires a five-year maintenance plan. "If successful, the applicant will re- ceive maintenance funding for that in- itial five-year period. e idea is that green spaces are going to look sparse on day one, requiring a large amount of maintenance until the greenery reaches maturity. After five years, it should have reached a level of maturity that will make it more likely to survive with less maintenance. rough consultations with the Environment and Resources Authority, we have also determined the kinds of plant species that applications could include to benefit Maltese biodi- versity." e driving force behind these new incentives is the Authority's desire to receive more funding applications for projects that will genuinely improve community well-being. is looks to be probable since larger localities with significant urban development are also seeing their capping of funds being in- creased from €5 million to €7 million. In addition, the 'Sebbaħ il-Lokal' initiative, which has seen an additional €50,000 allotted to particular localities, has also been extended to December 2022. "We want to encourage organisations to partner up with experts to break new ground in urban greening in Malta," concludes Perit Cassar. "We're hoping for a shift in mentality. Urban greening projects require patience. It will take time for trees and plants to grow. But when they do, our quality of life will re- ceive a boost that no amount of quick- fix paving can provide. With the volume of funding that's available through the Planning Development Fund, we be- lieve that the time for sustainable and cutting-edge greening projects in Malta is now." funding boost

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