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BUSINESSTODAY 10 September 2020

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10.09.2020 4 NEWS HSBC Bank Malta has been support- ing AquaBioTech Group since its in- ception, nearly 25 years ago. Over the past quarter of a century, the Interna- tional aquaculture, fisheries and aquatic environmental consulting, testing and development company has grown into a multinational organisation serving cli- ents in more than fifty countries across all continents. In supporting AquaBioTech Group's growth, the bank provided the business with access to its unique trade finance solutions, delivering financial support in a structured manner. HSBC's Glob- al Trade and Receivables Finance team developed a bespoke funding solution specifically adapted to AquaBioTech Group's trade requirements, with a fo- cus on Import/Export financing and project financing. e bank also provid- ed a receivables finance facility which improved liquidity and credit protec- tion giving the company the ability to conduct business anywhere whilst guarding against the impact of late pay- ments and bad debts. Stefan Bonello, HSBC's Relationship Manager for AquaBioTech Group com- mented: "e company had great po- tential right from the start but needed to build up its equity and asset base. In this scenario, it was clear that tradition- al financing did not meet the customer's requirements and so we used HSBC's trade finance solutions to map a way forward together. ese solutions ena- bled our client to capture new opportu- nities and we were able to support the group's ambitious growth strategy." Shane Hunter, founder and CEO at AquaBioTech Group, said: "Growing an international business is, of course, ex- tremely challenging. Over the years we built capacity and experience, as well as a strong brand, to enable us to tender for global aquaculture projects. But our greatest challenge came when we start- ed winning multiple contracts and that's when the financial support from HSBC was extremely useful." AquaBioTech Group is now a strong and globally recognised brand within its industry. Currently, the company's larg- est division offers design and engineer- ing capabilities for the construction and management of high-tech land-based fish farms all over the world. However, it is still looking to develop new mar- kets and anticipates continued strong growth in the coming years as it contin- ues to build capacity. Malta based companies who wish to learn more about how HSBC Malta can support their international growth through the bank's international pres- ence are invited to contact their Rela- tionship Manager to discuss the range of trade finance solutions available or visit HSBC Bank Malta connects business to Europe and beyond Shane Hunter, founder and CEO at AquaBioTech Group CAREMALTA has embarked on a rein- forcement exercise of its infection pre- vention and control campaign in all the facilities it operates in a bid to further ed- ucate employees, as well as residents and their relatives, on the importance of min- imising the spread of infection. "Really and truly, this task is a revision of our basic infection control principles, which focus on hand hygiene as being the single most important measure to reduce the risk of infection. We simply want to strengthen the implementation of meas- ures through training and more aware- ness," said senior nursing manager Noel Borg. e objective of our exercise is to high- light infection prevention and control, primarily through meaningful engage- ment with everyone across the board. "Hand hygiene, together with a host of other precautionary measures, is crucial in the delivery of safe, quality care. We believe that through ongoing training and education, we are able to emphasise how everybody's role plays a part in improving patient outcomes vis-à-vis breaking the pathogen-transmission chain," nursing manager Maria Xuereb explained. "Basic infection control practice needs to be implemented at all levels, from management teams, to employees, resi- dents and relatives, all the time. Also, one needs to act responsibly during work and out of work." With this in mind, a number of refresh- er training sessions for employees are currently being held to make basic hand hygiene, as well as a number of other im- portant measures, a priority and to create more awareness in this regard. Mr Borg said it had now become more evident that the proper use of face masks and constant hand hygiene were prima- ry actions of success in this pandemic. "When caring for persons with COV- ID-19, it is a different story. CareMalta has specific protocols in place that must be adhered to and complemented with national policies." He added: "Apart from hand hygiene and face masks, two other aspects play a crucial role: contact and self-discipline. Acting responsibly is of paramount im- portance during this time of crisis, as it indirectly protects you and those around you." For more information, e-mail info@ or visit www.caremalta. com. CareMalta's infection prevention campaign reinforced through training

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