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BUSINESSTODAY 12 November 2020

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5 NEWS 12.11.2020 MeDirect Bank launches new user- friendly online banking platform MEDIRECT Bank launched a new in- novative online banking portal to pro- vide its clients with a modern internet banking experience and intelligent on- line self-service tools. e new desktop version, which is also viewable from portable devices and smartphones, is an upgrade of the pre- vious one and is an important milestone in the digital transformation strategy that MeDirect has started a year ago. e fresh new design makes it easier to navigate and discover new features. Arnaud Denis, CEO of MeDirect said: "Providing our clients with the best-in- class online banking, with all services and products, in one easy-to-use plat- form and with information that is time- ly and professionally displayed, is key for MeDirect to continue growing and become the leader in digital banking." e log on details that clients use to access the online banking portal will not change, but the design of the page has been updated. e Bank remains committed to continue using the latest security measures to protect clients' money and personal information. e homepage and menu structure were refreshed with additional widgets showing overall balances in accounts and value of investments. e new plat- form gives clients the facility to drill down to see the transaction history, ac- count details and other account infor- mation that clients might need. e search functionality has been en- hanced to allow clients to search their transaction history, not only by date ranges, but also by using specific words which may be available in the descrip- tion of the transactions. e platform has also introduced im- provements in the opening of additional accounts, including notice, term depos- it and trading accounts. is is especial- ly true in the case of joint account appli- cations that can be opened with a few steps. e upgrade will allow clients to create an account with a friendly name and to immediately fund that account. "We are absolutely delighted to launch our new online banking platform to our clients. We have listened extensively to feedback from our clients on what they look for when using their online bank- ing and have designed this platform with them and their needs in mind," Pawel Malukiewicz, MeDirect's Group Head of Channels and Customer Expe- rience said. "As a bank, we want to give all our cli- ents unparalleled levels of service and convenience and we are confident that the new platform will make our clients' online banking experience better than ever." MeDirect's eBanking platform makes use of 2-factor authentication for added security and peace of mind. "It is evident that our clients want to do more of their banking via digital channels, and thus as a digital bank we need to continue to make banking as simple and secure as possible," said Chris Portelli, MeDirect's Group Head of Technology. Clients also have the opportunity to use MeDirect's mobile phone applica- tion, which is available from the App Store and Play Store. e bank contin- ues to work on the further development of its digital channels to offer its clients more innovation. e new online banking platform is part of MeDirect Bank's ongoing invest- ment in its infrastructure and part of an overall evolution of the bank's electron- ic channels. To learn more about MeDirect, to be- come a client or to log on to view you accounts, visit https://www.medirect. MeDirect's digital tools TWO local NGOs, YMCA Malta and TAMA, have been chosen as the Mal- tese winners of the Argus 70th Anni- versary Competition, the 'Our Future is You' initiative, and will receive an €8,500 donation each. is community contest encourages charities and non-profits based in Malta, Gibraltar and Bermuda to submit their ideas for youth-focused initiatives. Argus will be donating over €70,000 to help bring those ideas to life. YMCA Malta is a non-profit, volun- tary and ecumenical non-governmental organisation, which seeks to promote the vision of building a more just so- ciety. TAMA's volunteers, on the other hand, are focused on "bringing out the best in each other through efforts of mentorship, skills sharing, and constant self-development". 'Our Future is You' is part of the Argus Group's anniversary celebrations, mark- ing 70 years of service within Malta, Gibraltar, Bermuda and Canada. Group CEO Alison Hill explained that the 70 years of Argus were, more than anything, "a celebration of our focus on the com- munity, and of our confidence in a better, more sustainable and compassionate fu- ture for our younger generations." Participating charities and non-profits were asked what they would do if they had the funds to shape the #Next70 years by supporting local youth. Pro- posals were submitted through the official website, where participants could make a case for their charity or non-profit organisa- tion to receive one of six €8,500-€10,000 donations. In Malta, Argus employees could vote on their choice of beneficiar- ies from a shortlist prepared by compa- ny's Steering Committee. e initiative proposed by YMCA Malta sets to empower teenagers in ex- pressing their hopes and concerns about the communities in which they live and society as a whole. e organisation will focus primarily on teenagers with lim- ited opportunities, those coming from migrant communities, and early school leavers. e NGO will carry out activ- ities that will help these groups better understanding the origin of their emo- tions, and then channel them through creative mediums so that they may cre- ate advocacy projects that reflect their own vision for a better society. TAMA's initiative focuses on the chil- dren of asylum seekers and unaccompa- nied minor asylum seekers who strug- gle with access to care and mentorship, particularly where trauma-informed approaches are needed. Amongst oth- er services, therapists will now be pro- viding support to the younger groups, whilst the unaccompanied minor asy- lum seekers and other disadvantaged youth will be matched with a TAMA staffer who will assist them with every- day issues, offer a platform for support, and engage with them on human rights topics which facilitate a person's inte- gration in Malta, and in the workforce. Argus Group announces winners of its 'Our Future is You' initiative

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