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4 NEWS 11.3.2021 AS part of the employee wellbeing pro- gramme of Atlas Insurance, Dr Christo- pher Barbara recently delivered an in- teractive and informative online session about the COVID-19 vaccine to the team. Dr Christopher Barbara is Clinical Chairperson for the Pathology Depart- ment at Mater Dei Hospital. He is also a medical microbiologist and virologist and has a special interest in vaccinology. Over the past year, Dr Barbara has become a household name when it comes to media interviews and information sessions relat- ed to the pandemic. e aim of the webinar was for Dr Bar- bara to explain the science behind the COVID-19 vaccines. roughout the ses- sion, Dr Barbara answered the questions addressed to him by Atlas employees on the virus, its variants and the vaccination itself. Over the past year, Atlas has organ- ised various information sessions for its employees and business partners on the medical and psychological aspects of COVID-19, especially with the changed dynamic of work from home. Atlas continues to ensure that the high- est levels of infection prevention are maintained at all times for both its em- ployees and clients. e use of online services for policy renewals, claims, and general enquiries is encouraged. Atlas employees attend interactive session about COVID-19 vaccine Dr Chris Barbara (top left hand corner) addressing the online information session organised for Atlas employees A rapidly evolving business travel landscape has been the catalyst for award-winning global travel manage- ment company FCM to transform its brand identity and take a fresh approach to developing a new tech platform. With the global pandemic causing a seismic shift in the business travel in- dustry, FCM has made it a priority to address customers' pain points and their travel programmes by investing in new technology, rapid implementation, enhanced account management and sustainable and secure travel. FCM's bold new look is designed to showcase the brands' distinctively flex- ible and unconventional approach to providing agile travel management ser- vices to its customers globally and lo- cally. e end-to-end rebrand has been launched in 97 countries across all web- sites, customer communications and social media platforms. A core component of the announce- ment is that FCM is forging ahead with development of a ground-breaking pro- prietary technology that directly targets customers' pain points with current and legacy corporate travel technology. e in-house platform is an omnichannel offering that is being developed follow- ing extensive research globally among customers to understand the different concerns of their bookers, travellers and managers. Findings of this research revealed customers need an all-en- compassing platform that is consistent across all markets, but also fully flexible with a positive user experience and sim- ple user interface. FCM's Global Chief Technology Of- ficer Adrian Lopez said the vision for the platform is based on addressing six key pillars: a globally consistent book- ing experience; always available travel assistance; traveller safety and wellbe- ing support; sustainability; AI powered reporting and savings, and flexible inte- gration capabilities. "e development of FCM Platform's core experience is already well ad- vanced, including a new proprietary online booking solution planned for key markets and integration of AI enhanced chatbot tool Sam as the digital 'avatar', providing live chat and real-time assis- tance across all of the platform's chan- nels," he said. With powered-up features like AI powered reporting, allowing a search experience similar to that of Google for actionability of data, customers in sev- eral regions around the globe have a lot to look forward to as they begin test- ing the FCM Platform prior to the first phase of onboarding later this year. "Top 3 Travel are very excited to un- veil FCM's new brand and also to reveal that 2021 will be a landmark year with the launch of FCM's ground-breaking proprietary technology platform," said Edward Papps, Director, FCM Malta and Libya. FCM unveils bold new brand identity and signals game-changing tech offering

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