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11 COMMERCIAL 18.3.2021 Conservation Award SPECIAL COMMENDATIONS Catholic Teaching Centre - Edward Scerri Architect Studio The new teaching centre is housed in a building which was about to be demolished and was deemed irretrievable. However, the project team was convinced that the building retained enough of its historical features to merit rehabilitation and reuse. Once the façade was restored and a fresh coat of paint applied to the historic apertures to attractively highlight them, the building is once more a landmark along the street in which it is situated. Internally, the origi- nal patterned concrete tiles featur- ing the emblematic three hills of Gozo and the eight-pointed cross of the Knights of St John were re- tained and now give the project its unique character. The building is now serving the needs of the local community. Candle House - MODEL The project consists of the adap- tive reuse of a property which orig- inally served as a candle factory, a use which left its mark on the his- toric features of the place. Rehabil- itation of the property was based on an assessment of which features to retain and then how to incorpo- rate contemporary amenities of a comfortable home. The resulting juxtaposition is a successful ex- ample of how new and traditional materials can blend-in and coexist. Despite the rather restricted space, bespoke landscaping features and a split-level entertainment area have been designed in the external spaces, while concrete and timber floors complement the historic in- teriors. Admiralty House - Restoration Directorate This is the former seat of the Na- tional Museum of Fine Arts and has been extensively rehabilitated. Worth mentioning is the recov- ery of some or part of the origi- nal colour schemes from previous decades, which had been entirely obscured by layer upon layer of paint. The building now showcas- es a beautiful colour palette which complements the painted ceilings and highlights particular features such as the grand staircase and the fenestration of the facade. New elements are unabashedly contem- porary and sensitively integrated, as is the new lighting system that has been installed.

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