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2 NEWS 25.3.2021 MELITA Limited has started releasing a series of informational videos on 5G. e videos, which explain the back- ground and benefits of this latest evo- lution in mobile telecommunications, are being published in the Help Centre of the Melita website and on the com- pany's YouTube channel. In addition to learning more about 5G through these videos, the public can continue to monitor the results of the 5G trial which Melita began on its Ericsson network last September. ese results which are available at show that the network meets all EU and internation- ally recognised standards. Transmitting 5G signals on this net- work has, in fact, resulted in a negligi- ble increase in energy, remaining below 1 per cent of the guidelines established by the WHO recognised ICNRIP. Harald Roesch, CEO at Melita Lim- ited, said that the results of the 5G tri- al show that the Ericsson network is performing as expected and that the energy levels being generated are at a small fraction of the scientific guide- line global levels. "at said, as with any new technol- ogy we understand that people want clear information. ese videos are intended to help answer any questions people may have and to highlight the great potential of this new generation of mobile technology," he said. "5G has been already rolled out in more than 60 countries and 5G-ena- bled devices are becoming more wide- ly available. It's therefore important for us in Malta to be getting ready for this new era." Among the benefits of 5G which the videos will cover is the increased ca- pacity, very high speeds and much lower latency, meaning the time taken for data to move from one device to an- other and back again over the mobile network. Speeds will reach up to 1,000 mega- bits per second and latency reduced to 10 milliseconds, which is faster than the human eye can perceive. A further benefit is that the number of devices able to connect to one antenna will in- crease dramatically. All this will result in a seamless mo- bile internet experience for customers. In addition, various new uses will be enabled especially for machine-to-ma- chine communication, the Internet of ings and remote collaboration. A practical example of this would be the remote coordination of complex manufacturing processes. Melita launches 5G information campaign VITAL4DATA, a leading Software as a Service (SaaS) company, in the domain of AI-driven risk screening and mon- itoring, based in Atlanta in the US, is set to further its reach, into the Euro- pean market. e new venture which will be established in Malta will serve as the company's European HQ and RDI centre. Vital4's Co-Founder and President, Amy Barbieri said Malta Enterprise had given VITAL4 an incredible op- portunity to further expand our solu- tions into the European Market. "Malta Enterprise is committed to give us the support and ample resourc- es that we need to continue our focus on innovation and in expanding our global solutions to help in the fight against financial crime," she said. Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farru- gia said that VITAL4DATA continues to add to the list of other high-profile start-ups and scale-ups that ME has at- tracted to Malta during the last years. "ME's strategy is not only focused to assist companies to get through the present pandemic but its efforts are also targeted to attract to Malta the most promising start-ups and scale- ups that will play an active role in shap- ing the future of our economy." Farrugia said he that he was pleased to see one of the most promising scale- ups in Atlanta (USA) choosing Malta, where they have already kicked-off their recruitment process which will lead to high quality jobs. "We look forward to see VITAL- 4DATA integrating within our local eco-system and to target the European market from Malta," he said. VITAL4's software is employed by organisations for the express purpose of financial crime prevention and de- tection. is is particularly of use in the fields of Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Know Your Customer (KYC) com- pliance, pre-employment screening, and third party risk management. e company has now chosen Malta as its European headquarters. e company's proprietary AI-driven technology specialises in the real-time collection, and analysis, of data, world- wide, without any human intervention; a world first. is serves both to reduce costs, and dramatically increase the accuracy of results obtained for the parties making use of this cutting-edge service. In its screening and monitoring of third-party relationships, VITAL4 sets the client's person of interest against thousands of global financial sanctions, criminal and terrorist watch lists, Po- litically Exposed Persons, and tens of thousands of news and media sources for Adverse Media. An alert, contain- ing a link to the source, is promptly delivered by the system, in response to emerging developments. "Compare this extremely granular, blazing fast service, to slow, costly, incomplete, error-prone manual data monitoring, and it is clear that VI- TAL4's solution is the way forward," Barbieri said. Farrugia called on those companies and start-ups looking for a new home to do business, to contact Malta En- terprise on for guidance on the financial schemes and how Malta can fit their business model. VITAL4 is now seeking local talent for their development team. American KYC/AML company, VITAL4DATA, opens its European HQ in Malta VITAL4DATA CEO Amy Barbieri and Kurt Farrugia, Malta Enterprise CEO

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