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9 EDITORIAL BusinessToday is published every Thursday. The newspaper is a MediaToday publication and is distributed to all leading stationers, business and financial institutions and banks. MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN EDITOR: PAUL COCKS BusinessToday, MediaToday, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN9016, Malta Newsroom email: Advertising: Telephone: 00356 21 382741 IT is shocking that a former chief of staff in the Office of the Prime Min- ister has been charged with money laundering, fraud, forgery and cor- ruption. It is shocking that the right-hand man to Joseph Muscat, his account- ants and business partners are facing a raft of serious charges. It is shocking because it links crime to the highest office of government and this can have serious repercus- sions on the country's reputation. Equally shocking are allegations be- ing made that a former minister and a sitting minister could have been involved in serious crimes, including the murder of Daphne Caruana Gal- izia. From an economic perspective, these events only add to the woes and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. e wheels of justice must be al- lowed to take their course but on a political level the government cannot continue as if nothing has happened. Prime Minister Robert Abela has the duty to take stock of the situation, which is nothing short of a sordid af- fair that risks destroying the trust peo- ple should have in the political class. is is not any other crisis. It is a cri- sis that hits hard at the core of democ- racy. It is a crisis that is cascading now because of inaction over the past few years and the implications must not be understated. Abela has to be credited for imple- menting certain reforms not least the appointment of a police commission- er, who has adopted a no-nonsense approach. But the Prime Minister must ensure that the country's institutions get all the support they need to function in- dependently and efficiently. He must also make it amply clear that his government will not tolerate wrongdoing and will act transparent- ly. e Prime Minister must ensure that all members of his Cabinet are upright individuals. But the crisis at hand requires a seri- ous introspection and discussion that goes beyond the need for institutional and legal reforms. is is a crisis of morality that re- quires a thorough evaluation of the links between politics and business; politics and people of dubious char- acters. And this exercise has to be done by all those in the political class who so- ciety trusts to take the best decisions on its behalf. e Opposition must reign in the temptation to rub its hands in glee. e impact of this malaise threatens all politicians. But there is also the need for oper- ators in the business community to stop and think about the need to be upright in all their dealings. is is especially so for those in the financial services sector, which will carry the brunt of the fallout from the ongoing money laundering cases. Accountants, auditors, lawyers, no- taries and other professionals must not be willing participants in the mis- deeds of criminals. What is happening is a very hard pill to swallow. e pandemic is tough enough on its own to overcome let alone when the political system is cast under a dark shadow. When people lose hope in their leaders and lack of trust creeps in, the scene is set for the corrupt to find fer- tile ground to flourish. Politicians must win back trust even if this means cutting loose those among them who are immoral and corrupt. Taking stock of a sordid affair 25.3.2021

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