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4 NEWS 25.3.2021 ATLAS Healthcare Insurance Agency Limited has recently been licenced by the MFSA to act as agent for IVALIFE Insurance Limited, which is a new life insurance company equally owned by Atlas Insurance PCC Ltd, APS Bank plc, Gasan Mamo Insurance Limited and MaltaPost plc. Atlas Healthcare is well placed to of- fer life insurance services. In fact, as the leading group health insurance provid- ers in Malta, the Atlas team has close relationships with its clients and enjoys an excellent reputation with the business and corporate sector. Atlas Healthcare excels in the area of employee benefits, and apart from health insurance, has pioneered the launch of standalone dental insurance locally and, more recently, ICAS International Em- ployee Assistance Programmes. Catherine Calleja, Managing Director of Atlas Healthcare said that adding the provision of life insurance to clients was an important step to take for the Group. "Obtaining the agency license will al- low us to be able to offer a full service both to the Group Health and Individ- ual markets, strengthening the Atlas Group's position as a one-stop-shop for all insurance needs," she said. "We look forward to working closely with the IV- ALIFE team to offer our clients this ex- cellent product range." IVALIFE and Atlas Healthcare have been providing extensive training to the Atlas Healthcare team on group life business and individual life protection products that can be used for mortgage protection, family protection and also as key person insurance. "Our aim is to build long-term, suc- cessful relationships with our distribu- tors and to enable them to deliver value to their clients," Reuben Zammit, CEO of IVALIFE, said. "is strong partnership, built on ex- pertise and reputation, will provide a tech-enabled customer experience, more flexibility with products and the ongoing drive to remain innovative in addressing customer needs." Atlas Healthcare licenced to sell Life Insurance policies as agent for IVALIFE Insurance Limited From left: Catherine Calleja, Managing Director of Atlas Healthcare and Rueben Zammit, Chief Executive Officer of IVALIFE Insurance Limited National competition launched for Malta's best creative startups A new national competition has been launched for Malta's creative entrepre- neurs to join a global community celebrat- ing startups and championing the creative industries. e Creative Business Cup, launched in Malta by Culture Venture, is a glob- al competition organised by the Creative Business Network bringing together 80 national winners. Regarded as the Olym- pics of creative startups, the competition is a unique event for innovative disruptors aiming to change the world and impact the global economy. Toni Attard, National Partner for the Cre- ative Business Cup said that 'as the pan- demic continues to present unprecedented challenges to the creative industries, this is a unique opportunity to celebrate the resil- ience of the sector. e Global competition will provide Malta's creative startups with an international platform and unprece- dented access to networks, experts and investors. Globally, the creative economy generates $2.2 trillion in revenues and creates 30 mil- lion jobs. In Malta the creative industries account for 7.9% of total GVA, exceeding the direct contribution of the construc- tion and civil engineering sector and the accommodation and food services sector. ey also create 12,000 jobs and play a key role in propelling the sustainable develop- ment goals by incorporating people-cen- tred values and sustainability across their economic, social and environmental ob- jectives. Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Malta Enterprise, which is the main sponsor of the nation- al competition, recognised the role of the creative sector towards the economy. 'Mal- ta Enterprise has been supporting this sec- tor with various schemes and even more during the pandemic by the Wage Sup- plement. Sponsoring the Creative Cup at a national level demonstrates the level of commitment of the Government towards the creative sector', said Farrugia. Startups utilising creative skills in the production of a creative industry product or service or creative startups collaborat- ing with other industries are eligible to ap- ply. ese include businesses in advertising, architecture, craft & artisan, design, expe- riences technologies, fashion, film, video, photography, gastronomy, leisure activi- ties, music, performing arts, publishing, radio and television, software, visual arts, computer games and electronics, publish- ing, 3D printing maker and toys and games. All finalists at the national competition will receive one-on-one sessions by PwC Malta to prep them for the competition and Malta Enterprise will provide guid- ance on business development. In June, Malta's winner will virtually join other creative startups with the possibility of winning a variety of prizes to help shape more creative ideas and concepts into sus- tainable businesses. Online applications are open until April 28th and the National Finals will be held on 14 May.

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