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BUSINESSTODAY 30 September 2021

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11 NEWS 30.9.2021 ON Monday, the European Parlia- ment's Sky and Space Intergroup (SSI) hosted a multi-stakeholder dis- cussion on the potential of hydro- gen-powered aviation as part of the European aviation sector's decarbon- isation roadmap. The panel included Guillaume Faury, Airbus CEO and Vice-Chair- man of the Board of the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD); Johan Lundgren, Easyjet CEO and Chairman of Air- lines for Europe (A4E); Dick Ben- schop, CEO of Royal Schiphol Group; Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking; and Axel Krein, Exec- utive Director of Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking. After the event, MEP Marian-Jean Marinescu, Chair of the Sky and Space Intergroup and moderator of the panel, said: "During the panel, it became clear again which important role hydrogen-powered aviation can play in the decarbonisation of the Eu- ropean aviation sector, but also – in view of the magnitude of the chal- lenge – that a concerted effort of sev- eral stakeholders is needed to make that vision a reality. Our aim was to bring key players together to gen- erate a better understanding of that challenge." ASD Secretary-General, Jan Pie, added: "The European aviation in- dustry is committed to sharing in its responsibility to reach net zero CO2 by 2050 for the sector. To unfold the potential of hydro- gen-powered aviation as one corner- stone in that strategy, it is essential that EU and national authorities pro- vide sufficient financing for R&D, and that decision-makers work to- gether with industry on an enabling policy framework for hydrogen air- craft as well as on the deployment of an infrastructure to enable the entry into force of those novel aircraft." For ASD, the following additional points are paramount to ensure the successful deployment of hydrogen power in civil aviation: Future hydrogen-powered aircraft are an important element of the EU aviation sector's technological pil- lar to reach the goal of net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 (as declared in the European aviation's sector flagship sustainability initiative Destination 2050). Hydrogen-powered aircraft are complementary to other decarbon- isation actions such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) or smaller (hy- brid) electric vehicles. The European aviation industry is confident that the first hydro- gen-powered aircraft for short in- tra-European routes could become available around 2035. ASD welcomes the planned EU Al- liance for Zero Emissions Aircraft. However, it should be complement- ed by a wider EU Pact for Sustaina- ble Aviation through which the EU aviation sector and authorities could work in close partnership to make the Destination 2050 roadmap, including the hydrogen-powered aircraft, a re- ality. Industry cannot do it alone but needs more support from the EU In- stitutions and Member States. Finally, the EU should increase its engagement with bilateral partners as well as with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to en- sure that the necessary global stand- ards and infrastructure are available to deploy hydrogen-powered aircraft worldwide. European Parliament Sky & Space Intergroup debates potential of hydrogen-powered aviation This article is part of a content series called Ewropej. This is a multi-newsroom initiative part-funded by the European Parliament to bring the work of the EP closer to the citizens of Malta and keep them informed about matters that affect their daily lives. These articles reflect only the authors' view. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Future hydrogen- powered aircraft are an important element of the EU aviation sector's technological pillar to reach the goal of net zero CO 2 emissions by 2050

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