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SUNDAY • 31 OCTOBER 2021 • ISSUE 1148 • PUBLISHED SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY maltatoday Good cop, bad cop? TRUTH IS OF NO COLOUR WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT Labour's TV darling gets reined in by the PM PAGE 12 Theuma hits back at Fenech with criminal complaint PAGE 3 Yorgen Fenech lawyers pen letter to President of the Republic €1.95 MATTHEW VELLA MELVIN Theuma, the par- doned middleman in the Caru- ana Galizia assassination, has hit back at alleged mastermind Yorgen Fenech, filing a criminal complaint in which he accuses the Tumas magnate of the crime of calumny and intimidation of witnesses. Theuma's lawyers are referring to a criminal complaint filed by Fenech's lawyer last week, re- ported by MaltaToday and oth- er sections of the press, in which Fenech claimed that Theuma was guilty of perjury and of having omitted more informa- tion than what he knows about other masterminds in the 2017 murder of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Theuma's lawyers said Fenech's criminal complaint was an attempt at intimidating the middleman, who turned State's evidence in November 2019 to reveal all he knew about Fenech's role in the assassina- tion. "Theuma has said nothing but the truth in his testimony, repeatedly and categorically having declared that the mas- termind in the Caruana Galizia assassination is Yorgen Fenech," Theuma's lawyers Matthew Brincat and Kathleen Calleja Grima said. PAGE 2 Melvin Theuma requests police investigation over intimidation of witness by Yorgen Fenech EQUALITY RANKING PERJURY CLAIMS LUKE VELLA THE defence lawyers of Tumas magnate Yorgen Fenech have written to the President of the Republic George Vella, insist- ing that Melvin Theuma has breached the conditions of his pardon. Their letter follows a lengthy criminal complaint of 22 Oc- tober, in which they accused Theuma of committing perju- ry. Melvin Theuma, the self-con- fessed middleman in the Caru- ana Galizia assassination, was granted a presidential pardon in November 2019, in exchange for offering testimony against Fenech, who is now accused of masterminding the assassina- tion, and the hitmen who car- ried out the execution. The letter was penned by law- yers Gianluca Caruana Curran, Marion Camilleri and Charles Mercieca. INSPIRED BY OLIVER Nicole Meilak asks the experts why Malta lags behind on gender parity 14-15 END OF SUMMERTIME Clocks turn one hour backwards! Sean Buhagiar on his latest theatrical work 'O' Inside MT3 Melvin Theuma (centre)