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BUSINESSTODAY 18 November 2021

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Name Current Change %Change Open High Low Prev. Value Close US MARKETS NASDAQ (Nov 17) 15,973.86 120.01 0.76 15840.32 15989.61 15825.00 15853.85 EUROPEAN MARKETS FTSE (Nov 17) 7,293.54 -33.43 -0.46 7326.97 7326.97 7293.48 7326.97 CAC (Nov 17) 7,158.81 6.21 0.09 7149.30 7163.85 7147.01 7152.60 DAX (Nov 17) 16,267.39 19.53 0.12 16248.32 16283.52 16240.51 16247.86 ASIAN MARKETS SGX NIFTY (Nov 17) 17,891.00 7.50 0.04 17893.00 17927.00 17883.50 17883.50 NIKKEI 225 (Nov 17) 29,688.33 -119.79 -0.40 29906.68 29909.97 29623.79 29808.12 STRAITS TIMES (Nov 17) 3,232.68 -6.12 -0.19 3236.44 3237.62 3226.29 3238.80 HANG SENG (Nov 17) 25,650.08 -63.70 -0.25 25667.81 25667.81 25520.67 25713.78 TAIWAN WEIGHTED (Nov 17) 17,764.04 70.91 0.40 17705.29 17764.04 17669.58 17693.13 KOSPI (Nov 17) 2,962.42 -34.79 -1.16 3004.02 3004.67 2957.70 2997.21 SET COMPOSITE (Nov 17) 1,644.60 0.59 0.04 1646.86 1651.51 1642.36 1644.01 JAKARTA COMPOSITE (Nov 17) 6,675.80 24.59 0.37 6667.86 6679.30 6650.49 6651.21 SHANGHAI COMPOSITE (Nov 17) 3,537.37 15.58 0.44 3518.56 3537.51 3513.52 3521.79 18.11.2021 7 INTERNATIONAL MARKETS International Markets Global Indices Trading Date: 17 November 2021 Dollar index (DXY) soars on data and hawkish Fed lifting yields THE US Dollar made a new high for the year on the back of solid data and more hawkish Fed commentary. US retail sales advanced 1.7% for the month of October, beating 1.4% expected. US industrial production also sur- prised to the upside, coming in at 1.6% for October instead of 0.9% forecast. On Bloomberg television, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard led US yields higher with some very hawkish commentary. He acknowledged that both headline and core inflation were high and well above targets. He believes that the Fed should speed up the reduction in asset purchases to USD 20 billion a month. is would cease the asset purchase program by the end of the first quarter next year. Bullard wasn't concerned about a taper tantrum because the market has been comfortable with stimulus withdrawal plans so far. He could also see rates rising before the end of the asset purchase program if conditions warranted it. Bullard currently has two rate hikes pencilled for the end of 2022. Consequently, US 10-yearTreasury yields nudged 1.65% and 30-years hit a high of 2.04%. is pushed the US Dollar up, as measured by the DXY index, to a new peak for the year. e Dollar's strength saw oil, gold, copper and aluminium in particular move lower. e Australian Dollar came under pressure after wages data met consensus forecasts but disappointed a bond market looking for a beat. e wage price index rose by 0.6% for the third quarter and 2.2% for the year, in line with expectations. Aussie 10-year yields were unchanged but 2- and 3-year bonds dropped around 3 basis points each. Iron ore also continued lower, undermining AUD. CBA, Australia's largest bank, dragged the ASX 200 down after re- porting lower net interest margins. e stock closed 8% low- er. Japan saw core machine orders come in flat (0.0%) for the month of September, missing 1.5% anticipated, and an annu- al rate of 12.5%, well below 17.6% expected. is represents significant downward revisions. e Yen remains under pressure, especially against USD. Japanese equities were lower and other APAC equities were generally weaker as well. Looking ahead, the US will see MBA mortgage applications and housing starts numbers released. Canada will have CPI data out in the meanwhile.

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