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BUSINESSTODAY 18 November 2021

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5 NEWS 18.11.2021 MIA plc registers 58.2% drop in Q1-Q3 revenue compared to 2019 FROM PAGE 1 e Group's financials reflect the challenges and uncertain environment within which Malta International Air- port continues to operate. Totalling €32.29 million, the reve- nue generated by the Group within the first three quarters of the year was 58.2 per cent below 2019 levels for the same comparable period. Malta International Airport plc continued to exercise a cautious ap- proach towards the management of its financials through a number of cost-cutting and liquidity-preserva- tion initiatives, which were extended into 2021 from the previous year. As a result of these initiatives, the Company lowered its staff costs by a further 21.2 per cent and brought its operating costs down by 3.7 per cent over the same period in 2020. Malta International Airport's con- tinued efforts to mitigate the nega- tive effects of the COVID-19 crisis together with more favourable traffic results for Q3 2021 allowed the Com- pany to close the first nine months of the year marginally in the black. MIA has now entered the winter season, which has traditionally al- ways been slower than the summer months in terms of passenger activ- ity. The Company is bracing for another tough winter, characterised by con- tinued travel restrictions, suppressed consumer confidence, and uneven recovery levels across the aviation industry. However, it is optimistic that the coming months will mark an im- provement over winter 2020. Passenger traffic With 428,426 passenger movements registered, last October became Malta International Airport's best performing month since the outbreak of the COV- ID-19 pandemic. Despite this encouraging result, which can be partly attributed to the easing of more entry restrictions by government and the mid-term holiday effect, last month's traffic was still 39.1 per cent lower than October 2019 levels. is decline in passenger numbers over October 2019 was registered in parallel with a drop of 28.5 per cent in aircraft movements and a decrease of 27.7 per cent in seat capacity. Seat load factor (SLF), on the other hand, stood at 69.3 per cent, which translates into a drop of 13 per cent compared to the same month in 2019. e United Kingdom, which simpli- fied testing requirements for fully vac- cinated travellers at the beginning of October, continued to top the list of MIA's best-performing markets, reg- istering just over 110,800 passenger movements. Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI) Consolidated Income Statement (unaudited) The Group unaudited | in EUR Q1 - Q3 2021 Q1 - Q3 2020 Revenue 32,287,428 24,989,010 Staff costs (4,593,546) (5,825,827) Other operating expenses (11,866,612) (12,326,735) Impairment losses on financial assets (60,614) (33,124) Depreciation (8,219,268) (6,909,497) Release of deferred income arising on the sale of terminal buildings and fixtures 212,702 212,702 Investment income 11,598 19,096 Finance cost (1,585,692) (1,572,250) Profit / (Loss) before tax 6,185,996 (1,446,625) Income tax (expense) / credit (2,371,160) 274,017 Profit / (Loss) for the year attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Company, net of tax 3,814,836 (1,172,608) Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI) Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) The Group in EUR 30 September 2021 unaudited 31 December 2020 audited Assets Property, plant and equipment 169,800,535 171,757,898 Investment property 15,112,993 15,279,512 Other Receivables 1,402,934 1,341,670 Deferred tax assets 6,361,155 7,763,643 Non-current assets 192,677,617 196,142,723 Inventories 839,425 834,888 Trade and other receivables 18,140,251 6,973,317 Term deposits 7,500,000 5,000,000 Cash and short term deposits 12,981,139 26,047,282 Current assets 39,460,815 38,855,487 Total - Assets 232,138,432 234,998,210 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company Share capital 33,825,000 33,825,000 Retained earnings 94,782,462 90,967,626 Total - Equity 128,607,462 124,792,626 Lease liability 53,528,819 53,168,052 Deferred income 5,818,003 6,127,652 Other Payables 809,282 2,340,067 Provision for retirement benefit plan 3,948,729 3,920,722 Provision for MIA benefit fund 353,051 319,851 Non-current liabilities 64,457,884 65,876,344 Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) The Group in EUR 30 September 2021 unaudited 31 December 2020 audited Assets Property, plant and equipment 169,800,535 171,757,898 Investment property 15,112,993 15,279,512 Other Receivables 1,402,934 1,341,670 Deferred tax assets 6,361,155 7,763,643 Non-current assets 192,677,617 196,142,723 Inventories 839,425 834,888 Trade and other receivables 18,140,251 6,973,317 Term deposits 7,500,000 5,000,000 Cash and short term deposits 12,981,139 26,047,282 Current assets 39,460,815 38,855,487 Total - Assets 232,138,432 234,998,210 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company Share capital 33,825,000 33,825,000 Retained earnings 94,782,462 90,967,626 Total - Equity 128,607,462 124,792,626 Lease liability 53,528,819 53,168,052 Deferred income 5,818,003 6,127,652 Other Payables 809,282 2,340,067 Provision for retirement benefit plan 3,948,729 3,920,722 Provision for MIA benefit fund 353,051 319,851 Non-current liabilities 64,457,884 65,876,344 Statement of Financial Position (SOFP) The Group in EUR 30 September 2021 unaudited 31 December 2020 audited Assets Property, plant and equipment 169,800,535 171,757,898 Investment property 15,112,993 15,279,512 Other Receivables 1,402,934 1,341,670 Deferred tax assets 6,361,155 7,763,643 Non-current assets 192,677,617 196,142,723 Inventories 839,425 834,888 Trade and other receivables 18,140,251 6,973,317 Term deposits 7,500,000 5,000,000 Cash and short term deposits 12,981,139 26,047,282 Current assets 39,460,815 38,855,487 Total - Assets 232,138,432 234,998,210 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company Share capital 33,825,000 33,825,000 Retained earnings 94,782,462 90,967,626 Total - Equity 128,607,462 124,792,626 Lease liability 53,528,819 53,168,052 Deferred income 5,818,003 6,127,652 Other Payables 809,282 2,340,067 Provision for retirement benefit plan 3,948,729 3,920,722 Provision for MIA benefit fund 353,051 319,851 Non-current liabilities 64,457,884 65,876,344 Statement of Financial Position (SFP) (Euros) Trade and other payables 38,104,473 43,992,610 Current tax liabilities 968,612 336,630 Current liabilities 39,073,085 44,329,240 Total - Liabilities 103,530,969 110,205,584 Total - Equity and Liabilities 232,138,432 234,998,210 30 Sep 2021 unaudited 30 Dec 2021 audited

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