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MALTATODAY 21 November 2021

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SUNDAY • 21 NOVEMBER 2021 • ISSUE 1151 • PUBLISHED SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY maltatoday MPs' ASSETS Who's the richest of 'em all? TRUTH IS OF NO COLOUR WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT A visualisation of bank accounts, assets, properties, debts and dues of the parliamentary asset declarations WOULDN'T YOU RATHER BE DOING THIS WHILE WE MANAGE THE SALE FOR YOU? Discover our Sole Agency Packages Local. Experienced. Personal. Frank. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Steward: government will refuse €100 million termination penalty PAGE 4 Degiorgio gang was targeting head of police drugs squad €1.95 MATTHEW VELLA THE Maltese government is refusing demands by Steward Healthcare for an amended con- cession agreement for higher payments, and will refuse a po- tential €100 million claim by the American healthcare group. Protracted negotiations be- tween both sides are close to a stalemate, says a top govern- ment source who also revealed the Labour administration wants Steward to abide by the obliga- tions it signed up to in 2017. "There is no way the govern- ment will accept the terms of the deal that Steward was working on with the Muscat administra- tion," the source said. PGS 2-3 CANNABIS DEBATE Blame it on Facebook Maltese examiners exasperated by bastardised Maltese in O'level BACK PAGE MATTHEW VELLA A plan to murder "a police of- ficer" concocted at the same time that Daphne Caruana Gal- izia's assassins were plotting her execution, was targeting the former head of the police drugs squad, Dennis Theuma. The information was offered by convicted criminal Vincent Muscat 'il-Koħħu' to investiga- tors and later referenced in the compilation of evidence against brothers George and Alfred De- giorgio, accused of assassinating the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Theuma has since been moved out of his post as head of the drugs squad, and now heads the human trafficking crimes sec- tion. Without mentioning the name, Muscat had confirmed in court that the gang he formed part of had parallel plans to execute Theuma at the time of the jour- nalist's murder plot. Negotiations with American healthcare company reaching stalemate as government indicates it will not pay Konrad Mizzi's penalty clause if concession stops CRIME Health minister and deputy PM Chris Fearne (left) and Steward CEO Armin Ernst General Workers Union will not accept random drug testing for employees PAGE 10

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