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MALTATODAY 21 November 2021

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 NOVEMBER 2021 16 COMMERCIAL Ultra Le Teint CHANEL creates ULTRA LE TEINT, a fluid foundation that combines long wear and comfort for a flawless makeup result that requires no touch- ups throughout the day. Avail- able in a big range of shades, it meets every woman's expecta- tions: high perfection, it evens out all complexions while keeping shine under control for perfect skin with a natural, luminous matte finish. Ultra wear: A loyal daily companion, UL- TRA LE TEINT offers women long-lasting wear that's to the Perfect Skin complex. This film-forming complex perfect- ly embraces facial contours and resists heat, humidity and se- bum to maintain its matte fin- ish and keep it's colour intact for 24 hours. How to use it: ULTRA LE TEINT univer- sal foundation can be applied with your fingers or the 2-IN-1 FOUNDATION BRUSH FLU- ID AND POWDER. Its texture glides onto the skin and can be bult up to achieve the desired coverage, for the even, flawless complexion that suits you. Melita Business supports gaming industry AS part of its ongoing efforts to ensure Malta retains its position as a leading centre for the gam- ing industry, Melita Business continues to invest in systems, processes and collaborations which are designed to create the technology and communi- cations infrastructure required. These include the creation of Smart Cloud, to provide man- aged data centre services locat- ed in Malta. Smart Cloud lev- erages the expertise of Smart Technologies Limited in Cloud infrastructure and data servic- es, and the reliability, connec- tivity and security provided by Melita Business from the state- of-the-art Melita Data Centre in Madliena. Attendees at this week's SiGMA Europe, taking place at the MFCC, will be able to learn more about the services provided by Smart Cloud and the particular advantages for gaming companies of having a Malta based provider for their Cloud hosting and data servic- es. Key among these is com- pliance with the requirement by the Malta Gaming Author- ity (MGA) for companies to have a local database replica, making local data hosting vi- tal. Additionally, by providing hosting within the EU, Gaming businesses can be reassured that their data is protected in accordance with European da- ta protection and privacy laws. Malcolm Briffa, Director of Business Services at Melita, ex- plained why he is particularly looking forward to this year's event, "It's good to see SiGMA back as an in-person event, en- abling people from across the industry to once again meet and exchange ideas. Given the MGA requirements for Gam- ing operators, the Melita Busi- ness team are excited to ex- plain the new services offered by Smart Cloud, and the range of benefits for operators of all sizes." Throughout SiGMA, exec- utives wishing to learn more about local Cloud hosting ser- vices, nationwide fibre-to-the- office, or 5G mobile plans for their employees, can arrange a free consultation with the company's team of industry experts and sales engineers. Appointments can be made by sending an email to sales@ Technical tours of the Melita Data Cen- tre in Madliena can also be ar- ranged. Melita Business continues to invest in systems, processes and collaborations which are designed to create the technology and communications infrastructure required Another positive social initiative from Nestlé LOYAL consumers of Nestlé products who are also keen to contribute in a positive way to their community, will be de- lighted to hear about the com- pany's latest CSR initiative. Once again, the company is reinforcing its commitment to reach out to and contribute to the community around it through the successful scheme launched last year, inviting Nes- tle colleagues, customers, and the public at large to donate and drop off clothing items at the Nestle Consumer Centre in Lija. For the second year consec- utively, Nestlé will double the public's clothing contributions by generously donating one tonne of Nestle food products to be distributed to those who are disadvantaged. Feeding and supporting individuals and families through donations of clothes and food to cover ba- sic needs, is very much in line with Nestle's pledge to help and support local communi- ties in the most sustainable way. Once all donations are in, Nestle will partner up with two local NGOs which tirelessly campaign and raise funds for those in dire need, Caritas, and the Malta Food Bank Founda- tion, to distribute the donated clothes and Nestle food prod- ucts accordingly between the various entities and people they reach out to. "Last year's generous response from the public was overwhelm- ing, making it possible for Nes- tle to really help out those in need by donating a staggering one tonne of food. With Nes- tle's values rooted in respect for our communities, we un- derstand that we are unique- ly positioned to help people in communities that span our business," said Charlene Ellul, Corporate Communications Manager for Nestlé Malta Ltd. "We look forward to another successful drive this year." Nestlé is committed to posi- tively impacting families, com- munities, and the environment as a socially responsible com- pany across the world. These initiatives help to tackle issues such as food poverty, ethical and sustainable methods and supporting communities.

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