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MALTATODAY 21 November 2021

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 NOVEMBER 2021 17 COMMERCIAL THE central foyer at Malta En- terprise (ME) is dominated by a vast expanse of travertine blocks, stacked to create a wall that breathes through gaps revealed in between the regularly spaced limestone. A quasi-living wall that is flooded with light from the high windows that look down on the human activity happen- ing all around. People walk with purpose, entering and leaving the meeting rooms where they analyse, question, discuss and strategize on the country's eco- nomic development and related investments and policies. This dynamic, growth-oriented space that is Malta Enterprise provides the right environment for the collective exhibition, Pandemic: Survival, Art and New Action. The model that sustains ME focuses on finding solutions and adapting to changing circum- stances, making them the ideal hosts. They are also highly com- mitted to their CSR strategy, actively seeking ways in which they can reach out to the local community and contribute their efforts and resources to promot- ing the Arts and Cultural scene in Malta. CEO Kurt Farrugia explains that "as the economic develop- ment agency, Malta Enterprise takes great pride in Corporate Social Responsibility. We are highly committed to creating events that can truly give back to our community. Through CSR initiatives, we believe that we can contribute actively to drive fur- ther the development and well- being of our society at large". With the pandemic, we too, individually and as little bubbles of humanity, had to find new ways of living, where we could achieve some degree of wellbe- ing, given the fear of contagion and enforced isolation we experi- enced. In times like these, artists come up with aesthetic ways of engagement that tap into these experiences and present them to the public as works of art. This re-presentation of common and personal processes during the pandemic is the conceptual basis of the exhibition. These singular stories form a visual narrative that will allow us to understand and give value to our collective experience. A way of marking and paying a tribute to these times whilst contempo- rarily creating a new possible vi- sion for the future. A public call was issued by Malta Enterprise which led to over 60 applications being sent from well-established and young emerging artists. A panel of judg- es selected the artworks based on conceptual relevance and ar- tistic ability. The artists selected include visual artists, painters, digital artists, photographers, sculptors and a bronze smith. The exhibition will be open for viewing from the 1st and 17th December, 2021. After this period, the works will be accessible for viewing on a CSR digital platform which will be designed to complement such initiatives. Together with the initiator Jo- sephine Vassallo Parnis, Head of EU Affairs at Malta Enterprise, who also forms part of the CSR team at ME and whose passion for the arts matches her vibrant, professional nature, we have li- aised with the artists involved so as to also offer them the possi- bility to exhibit their art. A per- centage from the sales will go to a research project on sustainable environment through the Re- search Trust Fund (RIDT) of the University of Malta. This exhibition, having such a range of artists with different perspectives and backgrounds, becomes in a way representative of society itself. Harmonising all the work with- in a relatively contained space becomes a challenge. During this process, a dialogue creeps in and a synergy is created. The art- works relate one to the other and a feeling or mood is established. The feeling is a sensation that draws one into the space, one that is centred around our recent experiences of lockdown. Together the works will contain the viewers and allow them to temporarily transcend the pan- demic experience we are living, even if for a short while. Pandemic: survival, art and new action THE Ambassador of Italy to Malta, Fabrizio Romano has launched the "Piaceri Italiani" range of Italian gourmet prod- ucts at the Savina Creativity Centre, today, the 15th of No- vember 2021. Romano was formally greeted by John Magro, Chairman of Magro Brothers, as well as his children Christian and Nicho- las Magro and Joanna Mercieca Magro. The "Piaceri Italiani" range offers an exceptional selection of regional Italian delicacies. Each product has been care- fully selected with detail to its artisanal heritage and most products enjoy Protected Geo- graphical Status. During a short tour of the Magro Food Village, which en- compass The Savina Creativ- ity Centre, Farmfresh and the Magro Brothers headquarters, Magro highlighted the long- time ties which link the Magro Family to Italy. He has also ex- plained that Savina Creativity Centre was a natural choice to take in the Piaceri Italiani brand since both share the pas- sion for traditional gastronom- ic delights. Romano inaugurated the new Italian section, within the Savi- na Creativity Centre, auguring Mr. Magro and his family suc- cess on this new venture. Magro also presented H. E. Fabrizio Romano with the book "A Century of Enterprise on the Mediterranean Island of Gozo" published on the occa- sion of the 100 years of Magro Brothers. Italian ambassador launches range of gourmet products with Savina Creativity Center

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