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MALTATODAY 21 November 2021

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 21 NOVEMBER 2021 12 ALMANAC My essentials MAXINE AQUILINA 32, Certified Play Practitioner I come from a background of Musical Theatre performing, training and teaching however while still being active in the theatre scene, I recently changed career path after falling in love with Play and Creative Arts therapy. I am the Co-Founder of the Jays of Sunshine Charity Foundation. In 2020 I formed part of the judging panel for the TV show Malta's Got Talent. I'm currently in my final year of studies to become a play therapist. 1 2 4 5 1. Books 3 2. Film/TV 3. Internet 4. Music 5. Place I recently watched 'Luzzu', the Maltese film written and directed by Alex Camilleri. There was one scene in par- ticular which brought tears to my eyes which I won't mention as not to ruin the story for anyone who hasn't yet watched it! It is a truly captivating and bitter-sweet film that I couldn't recom- mend highly enough. ON Instagram I follow an English doctor, Dr Rangan Chatterjee. His Instagram posts are both educational and inspirational. Dr Chatter- jee also has a brilliant podcast whereby he invites and inter- views different guests who mainly specialise in wellness and health. I have a love-hate relationship with social media and find that I can waste too much precious time scrolling through content that has no positive impact on my life. So by following pages like Dr Chatterjee's, I find that I am being fuelled with knowledge and positivity and I can enjoy my time spent online, while learning! I spent way to long trying to answer this question! Mu- sic is literally everything to me and I listen to all genres, it just depends on my mood. However, if I had to choose one song, it would be 'Ti- ny Dancer' by Elton John. I first heard this song when I was around 14 and it has been my favourite since. I feel like if I had to pick a song as a soundtrack to my life, it would be this song. I have no idea how to articulate why or the feeling I get when I listen to it. SEEING the Northern Lights is at the top of my bucket list. This was a dream of my mothers and sadly she passed away without ever getting to fulfil her dream. This opened my eyes to just how fragile our lives and dreams are, and how important it is to really make the most of the time we have on this earth. I want to visit them in her honour. ONE of my all-time favourite books has to be 'If I Could Tell You Just One Thing' by Rich- ard Reed. This is a book about encounters that the author had with some remarkable people and their most valuable ad- vice. From former Presidents to scientists to actors the book is filled with brilliant life ad- vice. I was instantly drawn to the book at an airport (there is something about airports that make me want to buy a new book) and I could read it over and over again. Besides the great advice, the book also delves into the lives and stories of so many people, I find it fas- cinating.

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