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SUNDAY • 5 DECEMBER 2021 • ISSUE 1153 • PUBLISHED SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY maltatoday BERNARD GRECH TRUTH IS OF NO COLOUR WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT PN's Christmas is stolen by worsening trust gap FULL SURVEY PAGES 14-15 PGS 10-11 mt survey JUDGES CHALLENGED Plan your Christmas Fun events for the family and your children this holiday season MT3 Support for the Labour Party runs at 45.9%, the highest it has ever been this year, a majority of 45,000 votes MATTHEW VELLA FROM small entrepre- neurs to Malta's major industrialists, talk of the "supply chain" go- ing awry is raising fears of a major economic upheaval in 2022. But it not simply chat- ter; the numbers bear it out. Costs for Maltese business – freight, lo- cal transport, industrial production – have been on an unprecedented steep climb since Au- gust. Malta's industrial price index monitors the selling prices of leading products from a sample of 80 large enterprises: in August, industrial prices for intermediate goods, which are used to man- ufacture final consum- er products, shot up by a massive 8% over the same month in 2020; then 9.6% in September and 9% in October. Costs for non-dura- bles – food, clothing, fuels – have been rising steadily all throughout summer by 4% to 6%. "Unless things change in the market, for ex- ample, cheaper local transportation, we are going to have problems in 2022," Brian Muscat, the general manager of carton producer Mul- ti Packaging, told this newspaper. "I fear the worst: there is huge demand for goods, but very low supply – ei- ther because of high shipping costs or a lack of containers to bring goods here. These ris- ing costs are going to go down to consumers. When it hits people's pockets, what will hap- pen?" Spike in industrial prices brings scary prospects for 2022 KURT SANSONE SUPPORT for the Labour Party has grown to 45.9%, the highest it has ever been this year, according to the December MaltaToday sur- vey released today. The Nationalist Party reg- isters 31.9%, while ADPD scores 0.1%. People who will not vote have remained stable at 11.3%, while those who are uncertain have dropped to 10.3% from 13.5% last month. Both parties have registered increases over November with the gap between them now stand- ing at 45,000 votes when the survey results are extrapolated on eligible voters. Labour leader Robert Ab- ela's trust rating has risen to 51.1%, while that of Nationalist leader Bernard Grech has dropped to 26.5%. The trust gap between the two leaders is at its wid- est since Grech took over the reins of the PN in Sep- tember 2020. Young voters overwhelm- ingly trust Abela over Grech but when it comes to party support, they shift slightly towards the PN. However, this remains the age group with the largest number of people who are either un- sure or will not vote. Malta's education and employment crisis requires a sense of urgency MT2 OPINION MaltaToday Survey Labour support at its highest at end of year Labour's trust gap going into 2022 is now showing that even PN voters trust Robert Abela Consitutional Court is accepting lawyer's challenge to judges' appointment PAGE 4 €1.95