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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 DECEMBER 2021 13 COMMERCIAL change – MITA's client relationship perspective platforms acted as an enabler towards such developments whereby government admin- istration could keep produc- tivity while not compromising on quality and security. The demands on the Agency grew further as Malta took various measures needing the sup- port of ICT infrastructure and systems. In parallel with the provision of tools and servic- es, MITA was also involved in the supporting the Health Ministry directly in initiatives ranging from the Swab Test centers to the delivery of the COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Mobile App. MITA's strong client rela- tionship is pivotal towards ensuring that government's needs can be met efficiently and effectively. Being client focused is our key to success, whilst provid- ing 24/7 Call Centre services, a dedicated Customer Care function, and having various specialised teams for Service Provision and Improvement, MITA also has a dedicated team of Client Relationship Managers who work dai- ly towards developing and strengthening relationships with government stakehold- ers. The pandemic has enhanced the need for governments to be agile and be ready for change, while working towards pro- viding services of excellence. Governments now appreciate more the importance of ser- vice innovation and prepared- ness. Locally, digital technology was key in achieving business continuity for various busi- ness, government and essen- tial services such as educa- tion. Moving Forward, MITA looks towards continuing to partner with Malta's govern- ment towards the provision of excellent customer care and value-added services to the general public being Mal- tese citizens, practitioners and businesses. As an Agency we look for- ward towards supporting gov- ernment in providing solu- tions and services which are accessible and user-friendly as much as possible, leveraging a modern digital ecosystem and contributing towards the defi- nition and execution of the Government's digital strate- gies that sustain a modern dig- ital economy. Globally, the COVID-19 situation has impacted the work environment and work processes of millions of workers, Malta and Malta's Public Sector being no exception. Thousands of Public Sector employees moved towards working remotely; whilst the use of government online services by the general public and businesses rocketed