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BUSINESSTODAY 24 February 2022

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4 MARKET NEWS 17.2.2022 MARK Bajada, Managing Director, Ba- jada Investments Limited has won the fifth edition of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year™. Bajada Investments Limited is well known for its work in solar en- ergy with Mark being a pioneer in the field. In recent years, Bajada Invest- ments Limited has diversified into the elderly care, technology, engineering, and hospitality. is June, he will rep- resent Malta in Monaco and compete in EY's World Entrepreneur of the Year™ award together with business leaders from more than 60 countries. Krystle Penza, Managing Director of Mvintage, has taken home the prize of EY's Rising Star. Mvintage has become a household name in fashion, creating jewellry with Maltese heritage at the centre and setting up shops in several locations across Malta and Gozo. EY has been holding the Entrepre- neur of the Year™ awards globally for over three decades. Now found in more than 60 countries, they include a global network of 50,000 entrepreneurs and are the global benchmark for capturing today's and tomorrow's entrepreneurial spirit. e Maltese award is adjudicated by an independent panel made up of key figures from the business community. is year's panel included; Ms. Marisa Xuereb (President of the Malta Cham- ber of Commerce, Enterprise, and In- dustry); Mr. Paul Abela (President of the Malta Chamber of SME's); Ms. Eliz- abeth Camilleri (BOV non-executive Director); Mr. Simon Vaughan Johnson (HSBC CEO); Ms Catherine Calleja (Managing Director - Atlas Health In- surance) e Malta award promotes entrepre- neurship across the Maltese islands and empowers entrepreneurs to grow their businesses both locally and globally. Previous winners include Mr. Alfred Pisani from Corinthia Group in 2017, Mr. Angelo Xuereb from AX Holdings in 2018, Mr David Darmanin from Hot- jar in 2019 and Mr Nazzareno Vassallo from Vassallo Group in 2021. e previous Rising Stars include Mr. David Vella from Altaro Software, Mr. Shane Hunter from AquaBioTech Group, Ben Remfrey from Praedium Consulting Malta Ltd and John Win- field of Dr Juice. Ronald Attard, EY Malta's Country Managing Partner, said: "is year's winners are exceptional, have surpassed all expectations, and both build local success stories from the ground up. Mark has been championing the envi- ronment for many years' and therefore great to see his hard work pay off, which in the end is of benefit to us all. Krystle's story is eye-opening, and many local artists and creators will draw inspira- tion from her, especially as her products are heavily influenced by our very own Maltese heritage. Finally, a big congrat- ulations to all the 2022 finalists whose determination and perseverance has brought them so far! Good luck to Mark and Krystle in Monaco!" Kevin Mallia, EY Malta Consulting Lead and EOY Program Lead, said: "It is truly incredible that even as we enter the 5th edition of the EOY award, the quality and depth of entrepreneurship shows no signs of abating. e 2022 winners will make all Maltese proud as they compete in EY's World Entrepre- neur of the Year™ next June. e inde- pendent panel of judges must also be commended for their work in selecting our 2022 winners, which amongst such an accomplished group is no easy task." Bajada Investment's Mark Bajada is the EY Entrepreneur of the Year for Malta 4Sight Group becomes Odoo Gold Partner Left to right: Ronald Attard, EY Malta Country Managing Partner; Krystle Penza, Rising Star 2022 – Mvintage; Mark Bajada, EY Entrepenreur of the Year 2022 - Bajada Investments; Kevin Mallia, EY Malta Consulting Lead and EY Entrepreneur of the Year Program Lead 4SIGHT Group Ltd, a Malta-based multi- disciplinary software firm leading digi- tal transformation, has become the only Odoo Gold Partner in Malta, joining 250 Gold Partners globally. Odoo is a leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) solu- tion used in the small and middle-sized entrepreneurship (SME) customer space to manage day-to-day business activities. Considering that 4Sight has been an Odoo partner for less than three years, gaining the Gold Partner status is an im- pressive achievement. Odoo, which seam- lessly integrates with any current business setup and has more than 7 million users worldwide, has lately been adopted by larger firms, such as Toyota, Hyundai, and Danone. Odoo is fully compatible with Li- nux, Windows, iOS and Android. Maurizio Mamo, Chief Executive Officer of 4Sight Group Ltd, said: "Our consider- able experience in the industry has been a catalyst for our success in becoming a Gold Partner with Odoo. Furthermore, our strong relationships with customers, which helps us deliver customised solu- tions for them, has been an integral part of our success with Odoo. Our goal is to sup- port companies in the challenges of digital transformation by providing consultative and strategic support both on practical and operational level." 4Sight Group analyses its customers' business to understand their needs so pro- fessionals can develop effective solutions that help reduce costs while increasing operational efficiency, revenues and customer satisfaction. Based out of Malta and Cyprus, 4Sight Group provides a wide array of services in the information tech- nology and digital sec- tor. Established in 2007, 4Sight has supported companies in both the private and the public sectors locally and inter- nationally. Maurizio Mamo

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