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MALTATODY 20 March 2022

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12 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 20 MARCH 2022 NEWS FGURA GUDJA PAOLA ST. LUCIJA ĦAL TARXIEN 4 MELLIEĦA NAXXAR SAN PAWL IL-BAĦAR 12 Membru Parlamentari u Kandidat għall-Partit Laburista għar-Raba' u t-Tnax-il Distrett . JAMES DEBONO THE Planning Authority is set to approve a brand new super- market on Mosta's Triq id-Di- fiża Ċivili, just 60m away from the existing Lidl supermarket. And with the demolition of the Josmar warehouse set to yield archaeological remains such as tombs and cart ruts, these are planned to be "inte- grated in the development" in- side the supermarket's under- ground car park – in between parking bays. Peprina Ltd's development, owned by Christian James Gatt and Nathalie Gatt, is be- ing recommended for approv- al by the Planning Authority's case officer with a decision by the PA's planning commission scheduled for Wednesday – just three days before the gen- eral election. The PA had already approved the redevelopment of the ware- house complex in 2019 but re- fused the inclusion of a shop- ping mall as this was deemed to be against policies disallowing retail development in this area. The project is a 1,346sq.m supermarket at ground lev- el, with the same footprint of the previously approved warehouses, and a two-storey New Mosta supermarket near Lidl will integrate archaeological remains in basement car park Mosta archaeological remains to be integrated into supermarket parking

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