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16 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 22 JUNE 2022 NEWS ACROSS 1) Team's setback 5) A dollar, in slang 9) River to the Rio Grande 14) Skip over 15) Big Southwestern cook- ing jar 16) Observe Yorn Kippur, e.g. 17) Redhead, slangily 19) Third canonical hour 20) Bit of newspaper adver- tising 21) Held sway 23) One way to join metals 25) Ceramist's ovens 26) Cardinals' manager? 29) "The Gold Bug" mon- ogram 31) Missouri River tributary 34) Newspaper page 35) Sundance Festival site 37) Break-in indicator 38) Flier's concern, for short 39) Cocoon critters 41) Language of Southeast Asia 42) Cheapskate 45) Badly wound 46) Comic sketch 47) Tote with effort 49) Race on snow 50) "Cast Away" setting 51) Drunk, in slang 53) "Miracle On Ice" losing team 55) Whom mentors mentor 58) Dancer who got a head? 62) Dine at home 63) Veggie-loving beetle 65) Discharge, as lava 66) Letters on a phone button, once 67) A tiny amount 68) Auto dealership depart- ment 69) "___ went thataway!" 70) More than want DOWN 1) Locales or venues 2) Arab League member 3) Dubbed ones 4) Broadcast about 5) Hold in 6) Consultants, at heart? 7) Drain backup cause 8) Life preserver stuffing 9) Kneecap 10) Adjective applied to Rome 11) They're all ears, practi- cally 12) A single time 13) Bit of bird food 18) Metallic rock 22) Club section 24) Information item 26) It could be verse 27) Fibre-___ cable 28) Small-caliber weapon 30) Daddies 32) Thing to follow in the woods 33) Act theatrically 36) Japanese verse form 40) Delegate 43) Snooty sort 44) Lets up 46) Steak choice 48) Wooden hat-holder 52) Railroad terminal 54) Sank into the sofa 55) Chick's pronouncement 56) "Muffin" starter 57) Frosh, in a year 59) Pastoral woodwind 60) Horn blower's accessory 61) "Good grief!" 64) Golf gadget F Solution to last week's crossword The answers to today's crossword will be published in next week's Midweek edition Weather Fine Visibility Good Wind West force 3 becoming West Northwest force 2 Sea Slight Swell Negligible TODAY TOMORROW Crossword WEATHER HOT & SUNNY HOT & SUNNY 33 0 / 24 0 35 0 / 26 0 FEELS LIKE 34 0 FEELS LIKE 35 0 NICOLE MEILAK A technical malfunction at London Heathrow Airport has left hundreds of passengers without luggage, and travellers with Air Malta were of no exception over the weekend. Passengers faced two-hour delays to collect their baggage from Heath- row's Terminal 2, while a number of passengers who departed from the same terminal had to travel to their destinations without their checked-in belongings. Air Malta passengers travelling to and from Heathrow Airport faced the same problems over the weekend. A spokesperson for the airline told MaltaToday that the company is in constant contact with the airport's authorities to reunite passengers with their luggage as soon as possible. "The airline apologised to its passen- gers for this delay but unfortunately this is due to circumstances beyond its control, and it is totally reliant up- on London Heathrow Airport sorting out the bags and delivering these to airlines to in turn, allow airlines to forward them to their customers." The backlog in undelivered luggage stemmed from a technical malfunc- tion in the terminal's bassage sys- tem. The malfunction has since been fixed, but it could still take days for accumulated luggage to arrive in the hands of their owners. Air Malta temporarily relocated to Terminal 2 at the start of the pan- demic following a slowdown in air travel. However, the airline will be trans- ferring its operations back to Heath- row's Terminal 4 on Wednesday 22 June. The airline says that this plan is still on track despite the luggage issues. Heathrow backlog leaves Air Malta passengers frustrated with lost and delayed baggage Air Malta is in contact with Heathrow authorities to reunite passengers with their luggage as soon as possible