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MaltaToday 3 August 2022 MIDWEEK

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16 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 3 AUGUST 2022 NEWS ACROSS 1) Looked at lustfully 6) Giraffe's striped kin 11) "... fish ___ fowl" 14) Hotelier Helmsley 15) More abundant 16) "___ got an idea ..." 17) Trellis feature 19) Operatives' org. 20) Melodious composition 21) Charged particle 22) Transmit 23) Vast amount of money 25) Hit the horn 27) Born prematurely? 31) "It's now or never" time 32) This puzzle's hidden theme 33) "Buona ___" (Italian greeting) 34) Give a large donation 37) Bottleneck blocker 39) Chop s finely, as po- tatoes 42) Spanish lady's title 43) Blacksmith's block 45) Colorful aquarium fish 47) Filbert, for one 48) Dating duo 50) Most dependable 52) Nonfictional 55) Fill to the max 56) Follow orders 57) Grazing locale 59) Evil intent 63) CD's end 64) Quest for a shopper 66) Org. quoted on tooth- paste tubes 67) Herb for flavoring 68) Sesame-seed-and-hon- ey confection 69) Japanese currency 70) Assailed on all sides 71) Ran in neutral DOWN 1) Wide-mouthed earth- enware jar 2) Transmission unit 3) "An Iceland Fisherman" author Pierre 4) Bury in a pyramid 5) Yellow-disked flowers 6) Assay specim en 7) New Zealand bird 8) In progress, to Sherlock 9) Licorice-flavored liqueur 10) Annoy 11) "Good job!" 12) Like bighorns 13) Check, as a bill 18) Large eel 22) Rise to one's feet 24) Topics in topology 26) "___ to a Nightingale" 27) Thinly layered mineral 28) Computer image 29) Male in the anned forces 30) Burger alternatives 35) Burden or responsibility 36) Bulb measure 38) Poker pot 40) Collection of poetry 41) Deli meat 44) Romanian currency 46) Sony rival 49) Sam in "Cheers" 51) Remove a metal from 52) Sudden invasion 53) Home sweet home 54) "The Bellboy" star Jerry 58) It's behind the altar 60) "___ do" (faint praise) 61) Spelunker's milieu 62) "Land sakes!" 64) Chemist's workplace 65) No longer in the USAF F Solution to last week's crossword The answers to today's crossword will be published in next week's Midweek edition Weather Partly to rather cloudy and locally misty at first, becoming fine Visibility Good, locally moderate at first Wind West to Northwest force 3 TODAY TOMORROW Crossword WEATHER HOT & SUNNY HOT & SUNNY 36 0 / 25 0 35 0 / 26 0 FEELS LIKE 38 0 FEELS LIKE 37 0 NICOLE MEILAK BOLT claims that it received no demands in relation to a single-day strike carried out by couriers last week, while insist- ing that no changes have been made to its basic courier earn- ings formula. A spokesperson for the food courier company told MaltaTo- day that it has continued with the same basic earning structure since carrying out certain man- agement changes. "Courier earnings very much depend on the demand and sup- ply of the market," the spokes- person said. Couriers went on a spontane- ous strike last Friday in demand for changes to the way their earnings are calculated. Media reports were clear that the Bolt couriers were on strike to increase their bonus pay- ments. However, Bolt claims the demands did not officially reach the company. "We received no demands in relation to this strike. Aside from that, we have regularly communicated with freelance couriers, fleet owners and res- taurant partners and informed them of our new steps." Couriers earn cash for every delivery carried out. The earn- ings include €1 for pick-up, €1.60 for drop-off, and 40c for each kilometre travelled. Workers also earn time bo- nuses depending on the time the delivery was carried out. These bonuses change every day, with the couriers notified of the daily bonus fees the night before. While self-employed couriers take home the full amount for each delivery, couriers working through recruitment agencies see 40-50% of their pay going to the agency they work for. MaltaToday revealed last year that recruitment companies supplying migrant workers to food delivery platforms are in breach of Malta's employment laws as they take a cut of their pay. This newsroom also revealed how couriers paid thousands in recruitment fees just to find a job in Malta, with the fees span- ning upwards of €5,000. Bolt claims it received no demands from drivers in relation to courier strike The company insists that the basic courier earnings have remained the same since the last change in 2020

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