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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 7 AUGUST 2022 16 00.45 01.30 02.15 03.00 03.30 04.15 04.45 05.30 06.00 06.30 06.45 07.30 08.15 09.00 09.45 10.30 11.15 12.00 12.45 13.30 13.45 14.15 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.30 16.45 17.30 18.15 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.15 21.00 21.45 22.30 23.15 00.00 00.45 01.30 02.15 03.00 03.30 04.15 04.45 05.30 06.00 06.30 06.45 07.30 07.45 08.00 08.30 08.50 09.00 09.30 10.00 10.10 10.30 11.00 11.30 11.40 12.00 12.30 13.00 13.10 13.30 14.00 14.30 14.40 15.00 15.30 16.00 16.10 16.30 17.00 17.30 17.45 18.00 18.30 19.00 19.15 19.30 20.00 20.30 20.45 21.00 21.45 22.30 23.15 00.00 00.45 01.30 02.15 03.00 03.30 04.15 05.00 06.00 06.45 07.30 08.00 08.15 09.00 09.15 09.45 10.00 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.15 12.30 13.00 13.30 13.45 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.15 15.30 16.00 16.30 16.45 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.15 18.30 19.00 19.30 19.45 20.00 20.30 21.00 21.45 22.30 23.15 00.00 01.15 02.15 02.45 03.45 04.00 04.45 05.45 06.45 07.30 08.15 08.30 09.00 09.15 09.45 10.00 10.15 10.45 11.15 11.30 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.00 13.15 13.45 14.15 14.30 14.45 15.15 15.45 16.00 16.15 16.45 17.15 17.30 17.45 18.15 18.45 19.00 19.15 19.45 20.00 20.30 20.45 21.45 22.30 23.15 23.45 00.45 01.15 02.15 02.45 03.45 04.00 04.45 05.30 06.00 06.45 07.15 07.30 08.00 08.20 08.30 09.00 09.15 09.30 09.45 10.15 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.30 12.45 13.15 13.45 14.00 14.15 14.45 15.15 15.30 15.45 16.15 16.45 17.00 17.15 17.45 18.15 18.30 18.45 19.15 19.45 20.00 20.15 20.45 21.30 21.45 22.30 23.15 23.45 00.45 01.15 02.15 02.45 03.45 04.00 04.45 05.30 06.00 06.45 07.15 07.30 08.00 08.15 09.00 09.45 10.30 11.15 12.00 12.45 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.15 15.45 16.10 16.45 17.15 17.30 18.15 19.00 19.45 20.15 21.00 21.45 22.30 23.15 23.45 00.45 Emergency,Police, Fire, Ambulance ..................... 112 Appogg 24hrs Supportline ...... 179 Sedqa 24hrs Helpline ..............151 Social policy info centre ......... 159 Malta Red Cross ........... 21922645 St John Ambulance ...... 21945740 Maltacom enquiries ..............1182 Go Mobile enquiries ..............1187 Vodafone enquiries ...............1189 Government Info service ......... 153 Telephone faults .................... 133 Gozo ferry schedule ....... 21915111 PA ............................... 22900000 MIA flight enquiries .......21697800 MIA Weather forecast .... 50043333 Enemalta faults report .. 80072224 WSC Freephone ........... 80072222 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS PHARMACIES OPEN TODAY MALTA & GOZO • 9AM – NOON Chemimart Pharmacy, Floriana National Pharmacy, Hamrun Drugshop Dispensary, Qormi Mint Care Pharmacy, Birkirkara Brown's Medical Plaza Pharmacy, San Gwann St. Julians Pharmacy, San Giljan Brown's Victor Pharmacy, Sliema Iklin Pharmacy, Iklin Medica Pharmacy, Balzan St. Simon Pharmacy, Bugibba Sonren by Millia's Pharmacy, Tarxien Hompsech Pharmacy, Fgura St, Anne Pharmacy, Marsascala Beta Pharmacy, Ghaxaq Remedies Pharmacy, Mqabba Fatima Pharmacy, Santa Venera Imtarfa Pharmacy, Mtarfa Tac-Cawla Pharmacy, Victoria, Gozo St. Joseph Pharmacy, Qala, Gozo Airport Pharmacy, Luqa Weather Partly cloudy becoming fine Visibility Good Wind West to Northwest force 3 or 4, veering North to Northwest by evening. FEELS LIKE 36 0 FEELS LIKE 37 0 HOT & SUNNY HOT & SUNNY MON - THUR EXC. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS FRI & SAT EXC. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (i) Fridays Only (ii) Saturdays Only SUN INC. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Sunday Solution to last week's crossword ACROSS 1) Iron fishhook 5) Part of NYPD 9) Gather in 14) "___ to leap tall buildings" 15) Jazz quintet's home? 16) Drink, as a dog 17) Mansion employee 18) Two 1Os, e.g. 19) Anti-Parkinson's drug 20) Think and behave rationally 23) ___ cotta 24) Right away, in a memo 25) It's usually first into the tub 28) Malaria symptom 31) Really evil 33) Interjections after corrections 36) Lion's quarry 38) Groups with fringe benefits? 39) Not take risks 44) It's marked on a scorecard 45) Jordan's nickname 46) Courteney of "Friends" fame 47) Brownish horses 50) Comstock deposit 53) Tokyo, once 54) Container for potatoes 56) Some bridge seat occupants 60) Be cautious 64) Very bad 66) Bodybuilders pump it 67) Cantina snack 68) Mailman's territory 69) Growing need? 70) "___ Brockovich" 71) Casual shirts 72) Factor of Einstein's formula 73) Group from Cincinnati DOWN 1) The entire range 2) Lower in prestige 3) Aviator 4) elt hat 5) Deceive 6) H H H, somewhere 7) Coin of Calcutta 8) Beat out, as grain 9) Seasoning made from berries 10) Created 11) Nicene Creed word 12) Eat in the evening 13) Reducing resort 21) Annoy by persistent faultfinding 22) Aberdeen denial 26) Get one up on 27) Historical region of England 29) "How disgusting!" 30) Chemica l suffix 32) N N N, same place as 6-Down 33) Like Santa Claus 34) A king in the Bible 35) Woebegone 37) They win many gold medals 40) Neither's counterpart 41) Supporting towers 42) Require nursing 43) To and ___ 48) Geneva's ___ Leman 49) A division into factions 51) Moines or Plaines lead-in 52) Resurrection Day 55) Place to get Seoul food 57) Indication of wonderment 58) Barely warm 59) Wing-to-wing dimensions 61) Its body gets primed 62) Naysayers' words 63) Comes to a halt 64) French artist Jean 65) Wine and dine DEPART MGARR GOZO DEPART MGARR GOZO DEPART MGARR GOZO DEPART CIRKEWWA MALTA DEPART CIRKEWWA MALTA DEPART CIRKEWWA MALTA Crossing time: Approx 25 mins GOZO CHANNEL FERRY SERVICE TODAY'S WEATHER TOMORROW 34 0 / 25 0 34 0 / 25 0 CROSSWORD INFO