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MALTATODAY 14 August 2022

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11 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 14 AUGUST 2022 NEWS "It is necessary that although these means are affordable for wide use, they are regulated in such a way that security is guaranteed for both users and the rest of the people, and no inconvenience is created" who abuse the system and cause danger or inconvenience to third parties," he said. The PN will also be launch- ing a "consultation process" to draw up proposals for govern- ment to take on board. Independent Ħaż-Żebbuġ councillor and long-time ac- tivist Steve Zammit Lupi also called for a unified approach among councils. He said there must be efforts by authorities to provide the needed infra- structure and facilities for us- ers to safely use the service. "Incentivise, regulate and en- force," he said on Facebook. Bolt reacts The biggest operator of rent- al kick scooters in the country still remains Bolt, with their green scooters regularly spot- ted anywhere you go in Malta. The company said it is aware of improper scooter parking, and its team is regularly work- ing to introduce new feature which prevent illegalities. "We recently developed the AI parking verification feature for scooters, and are current- ly testing it in small cities and we hope to release it soon in Malta. It has been developed in-house by Bolt's engineering team. The feature automates the process of analysing scoot- er parking pictures. The re- al-time verification means that Bolt will help improve scooter parking habits," a spokesper- son said. "If we find users breaking the traffic laws or not following the rules, we can block them from the application or fine them if necessary. Improperly-parked scooters can be reported to us via the QR code on the scooter, website or email." In other countries, the com- pany also collaborated with various organisations and au- thorities to educate users on how to use scooters safely and correctly. "We hope to do the same in Malta." The company is also working on a feature which only allows users to park in specific zones, thanks to an inbuilt system in the scooter. Bolt also said that it is cur- rently in an open dialogue with the relevant authorities to identify the most suitable solu- tions in the interest of the local communities. Questions sent to Whizas- coot and Bird remained unan- swered.

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