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MALTATODAY 28 August 2022

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 28 AUGUST 2022 10 ALMANAC My essentials CHIARA HYZLER 36, Drama Teacher, Theatre maker Apart from working with children full time, I work as an actor, director and producer within the local theatre industry. I am always excited to be part of projects that are relevant, current and pose important questions. My upcoming theatre project is It-Teatru Tal-Miskin, where I play one of the three buffi that enter the village of Ħal Fern. It has a lot to do with intolerance for choose to be themselves. 1 4 5 1. Book 2. Film 3. Internet/TV 4. Music 5. Place I am always so saddened when a school shooting oc- curs, it hits so close to home for me as a teacher and as an aunt to five. I came across an article that detailed every movement the shooter made in one of the recent American school shootings, describing what journalists saw as they walked through the school, which was left untouched af- ter the shooting occurred. It takes you through the journey of the students as they tried to protect each other or es- cape, the items on the ground that were strewn about in the frenzy. It also notes what was written on the board at the time as well as the posters on the wall, one in particular was Malala which I thought was heart breaking given the situ- ation they were facing. DURING the pandemic I start- ed attending Pop Music The- ory lessons online and I just love them! This has pushed me to discover so many differ- ent styles of music and artists. At the moment I am hooked on The Alan Parsons Project. I've also got a lot of Bob Dylan going on and of course, Elvis, Aretha and Sam Cooke. BEFORE the pandemic hit, I was travelling to Cambodia quite regularly to coordinate a couple of educational projects with my NGO. We worked with children in a particular orphanage as well as commu- nity street kitchen. I devel- oped friendships and connec- tions which are very special to me both with the adults we worked with, as well as with the amazing children we sup- ported on the ground. The minute I am able to go back there, I will. I imagine I will retire there eventually. I am currently reading 'Kollox Jeħel Magħna' by Francesco Grech. In the last few years, my interest in Maltese theatre and language has really grown. We have had a bunch of amaz- ing Maltese productions going up which I have really enjoyed. I was keen to delve into some Maltese poetry and this book is just phenomenal. It is hard hitting, poignant and beauti- fully written. ANY Anthony Hopkins film is worth watching but The Father is absolutely brilliant. It deals with the world of a dementia patient and the way it weaves between what he is seeing and what is actually happening is very clever. I am directing a piece on dementia early next year, so this was an impor- tant watch. I was struck by the role music plays in stimulating memories and effecting mood changes. Its so incredible to see how the arts have such an effective role in comfort, re- covery and healing. 2 3 CAMBODIA

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