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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 SEPTEMBER 2022 2 THE Q&A SARAH NAUDI BY LAURA CALLEJA suggestions by email Sarah Naudi is an actress, known for her roles in Foundation (Apple TV) and Mood (BBC). Her upcoming role will be opposite David Tennant in Litvinenko (Channel 5). Apart from acting, Sarah has written a Maltese indigenous story about an athlete with a club foot who goes on to become Malta's top 400m sprinter. This will be directed by Keith Tedesco next year. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Take off my eye mask. I know this sounds like I'm a diva but the truth is it gets light extremely early in our bedroom so the eye mask is a godsend. Next up I love my morning yoga routine followed by a homemade smoothie. I really believe in starting your day right. What is the best advice you've ever received? My dad once told me "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." I later found out this was a famous John Lennon quote. What do you never leave the house without? Shoes. Pick three words that describe yourself Smiley, ambitious, over-thinker. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? My greatest achievement to date was play- ing Vanessa in In the Heights on the West- End. It really was a dream come true and I got to work with the most talented bunch of people who are still dear friends today. Bonus, Lin Manuel Miranda surprised us at our final performance. A definite pinch-me moment. What is your guiltiest pleasure? Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. All types, all colours. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Life is a series of ups and downs but we get to choose who comes along for the ride. It's vital to surround yourself with the right people. Property and cars aside what's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? My wedding dress. I wanted it to be perfect. What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger? I wish I didn't worry so much about what other people thought and I wish I trusted that things work themselves out in the end. Who's your inspiration? Too many to choose from. My family, my friends, my partner they all inspire me day to day to be better. Career wise I would have to say Leonardo DiCaprio He's an exceptional actor and I aspire to be as specific in my craft. What has been your biggest challenge? Having been born with a club foot certainly had its hurdles, especially as I wanted to be a performer since the age of 3. It's also been my greatest strength in terms of the drive it's given me. If you weren't an actress, what would you be doing? I'd want to be a journalist or a writer. Still some form of storytelling. Sorry if that's a bit of a cop-out. If you could have dinner with any per- son, dead or alive, who would it be? It seems fitting to say the late Queen Elizabeth II. She lived an extraordi- nary life and would love to know her thoughts on Malta. Interesting fact Malta was the last country she visited in 2015. What's your worst habit? I'm a perfectionist. What are you like when you're drunk? I barely drink but when I do, I can be- come somewhat louder than usual. Who would you have play you in a film? I'm going to use this opportunity to bring up Angelina Jolie. Another actor who I've admired since childhood. So that would be a huge honour for her to play me. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Judgement. Most people are doing their best so I say be kind. What music would you have played at your funeral? Lykke Li's 'I Follow Rivers [The Magician Remix]'. I'd want a full-on party. What is your most treasured material possession? My laptop. All my thoughts, ideas and life-plans are buried in it. What is your earliest memory? There was a November flood and no one showed up to my birthday party. Can't remember what age I was though. I lived in Mosta at the time. When did you last cry, and why? I cried of joy on my wedding day. Being surrounded by so much love was truly special. Who would you most like to meet? Baz Luhrmann. I'd go a step further and say he's the director I'd most like to work with. What's your favourite food? All Asian food. Can't pick. Who's your favourite person on social media right now? Viola Davis has brilliant and uplift- ing content. She's also a sensational actress. If you could travel in time, where would you go? I'd go to the 1920s in Paris, like the Woody Allen movie 'Midnight in Paris'. What an era for artists like Dali, Hem- ingway and the Fitzgeralds. I'd want to meet and party with all of them. What book are you reading right now? 'Rachel Again' by Marianne Keys. It's a sequel to a book I read in my teens. It's hilarious. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Reliving moments and fast-forwarding bad ones. Like a movie. What's one thing you want to do before you die? I'd love to climb a mountain. I think I have it in me. What music are you listening to at the moment? I've been listening to James Bay's new album 'Leap'. I saw him live at Glaston- bury a few years back and adore his music. In the shower or when you're working out, what do you sing/listen to? Depends on my mood but the Hamilton soundtrack is a consistent favourite.

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