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MALTATODAY 25 September 2022

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 25 SEPTEMBER 2022 5 ART Comics journalist Joe Sacco at the 2022 Malta Book Festival MALTESE-AMERICAN comic book artist and journalist Joe Sacco will be in Malta this No- vember as a guest of the 2022 Malta Book Festival. One of the world's greatest cartoonists, Joe Sacco is wide- ly hailed as the creator of a new form of journalism in the shape of war reportage comics. Joe Sacco was born in Malta in 1960, grew up in Australia, and now lives in the United States. He graduated with degree in journalism from the University of Oregon in 1981 before vis- iting numerous crisis and war zones all over the world and turning his research into graph- ic journalism. Sacco is mostly known for his acclaimed journalistic graph- ic novels including Palestine, which received the American Book Award in 1996, Footnotes in Gaza (2009), and Safe Area: Goražde, which won the Eis- ner Award and was named a New York Times notable book and Time magazine's best com- ic book of 2000. Stories from Malta dealing with his mother's memories of World War II and immigration have respectively appeared in his short-form col- lections Notes from a Defeatist (2003) and Journalism (2018). His most recent publication, Paying the Land (2020), explores the impacts of resource ex- traction among the Dene com- munities of indigenous North America. Sacco's books have been translated into fourteen languages and his comics re- porting has appeared in Details, The New York Times Magazine, Time, Harper's and The Guardi- an, among others. At the 2022 Malta Book Festi- val, on Thursday 24 November at 7 pm, Joe Sacco will be inter- viewed by James Debono, chief reporter on environment, plan- ning and land use issues at Mal- taToday. On Saturday 26 November at 6 pm Sacco will also be part of the panel discussion 'What's an im- age worth: Forms of visual sto- rytelling'. Moderated by writer and former culture editor and film critic Teodor Reljić, this session will explore how jour- nalists and creative practition- ers have chosen to bring their images to the fore of the story- telling process. On this panel Sacco will be joined by photographer and journalist Joanna Demarco, and award-winning creative director and illustrator Gattaldo. The full programme of events for the 2022 Malta Book Festival (23-27 November) will be pub- lished in the coming weeks. For the latest updates follow and the National Book Council page on Facebook.

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