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NEWS 16 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 16 OCTOBER 2022 ADPD – The Green Party said that investigative journalism was a unique tool to hold ac- countable not only political authorities but also economic and religious ones. During a press conference in front of the make-shift memo- rial for Daphne Caruana Gali- zia in front of the law courts, ADPD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that investiga- tive journalism supported de- mocracy and contributed to- wards accountability through greater transparency. He said that on the fifth an- niversary of Daphne Caruana Galizia's assassination it was imperative to appreciate more than ever that journalism that speaks without fear or favour was essential for a healthy de- mocracy. Cacopardo noted that a chap- ter in the report of the public inquiry into the murder of Caruana Galizia was entitled 'investigative journalism's val- ue in a democratic society". "Nothing is sacred for in- vestigative journalism. It is a unique tool to hold accounta- ble not only political author- ities but also economic and religious ones. In this context journalism is the cornerstone of a democratic state. Inves- tigative journalism should be protected in every possible manner because it shines a light on those dark corners of public administration that may breed corruption," Cacopardo said. The Chairperson of the Green Party said that the me- dia reform should also analyse the financial and business in- terests influencing media, in- cluding digital media. He said that there was a risk that finan- cial and commercial interests' agenda were behind certain stories and were intended to deceptively influence public opinion. Cacopardo said the party was pleased that the government had reluctantly accepted to open a consultation process on the media reform bill. He stated that political party media had a negative contribu- tion to the public sphere, and only served as means of prop- aganda. Cacopardo said that after the sentencing of Alfred and George Degiorgio, who admit- ted to the murder of Caruana Galizia, politicians who were potentially involved in her murder and the Qormi HS- BC hold-up attempt had to be identified. "The former ministers which have been mentioned are Chris Cardona and Carmelo Abe- la, together with others. After yesterday's sentencing the po- lice should investigate anew their possible involvement so that hopefully this dark chap- ter in Malta's history is closed forever." 'Investigate politicians in DCG murder, HSBC heist'