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1.12.2022 11 COMMERCIAL THE fun yet educational Street Smart project is once again driving its road safe- ty message to children attending prima- ry schools across Malta and Gozo. Fun- dación MAPFRE, in collaboration with Malta Public Transport is launching yet another innovative educational initiative aiming at teaching young children how to be safe on the road through three inter- active video clips, which are further split into 25 steps, that can be watched in class at the chosen pace of the teacher. Speaking at the launch held at San An- ton School, Mr Javier. Moreno, CEO at MAPFRE Middlesea and local rep- resentative of Fundación MAPFRE in Malta said: "We are very pleased that over the years Fundación MAPFRE has been supporting this project which has reached thousands of students of various ages across the country. Both road and transport safety are crucial and more im- portant than ever considering the large amount of vehicles we have on our roads. We believe that the unique way in which these lessons are delivered by this project will help these young children be more aware about safety and will also deliver a memorable experience for the children." Mr Konrad Pulé, General Manager at Malta Public Transport, noted that, "As a company that provides a service to the public, we feel that initiatives such as Street Smart which promote education and good practice about road awareness, align perfectly with our commitment to keeping safety as a priority at all times. Children can be a catalyst for change, especially when considering the enthu- siasm by which they recount the lessons they learn at school with their family members helping to spread the awareness even further. We also want to take the op- portunity to thank all the children who participated in the production, as well as their parents for their cooperation." e educational videos, which are avail- able in the English language, are aimed at young children, aged between four and eight. ese videos follow Safety Sue's journey across the Street Smart game board, together with a diverse group of children, as they learn about different topics related to road safety. e topics include following traffic signs, being safe as a pedestrian and use of pedestrian traf- fic lights, being safe as a passenger in a car and the importance of wearing a seat belt, being safe as a passenger on the bus and as a cyclist on the road; being safe whilst walking and travelling with animals, and potential distractions such as use of mo- bile devices. Cast members include Leah Mifsud as Safety Sue, young singers Ike and Kaya as DJ and Inspector Ines, and many more young talented students from Stagecoach Malta. e video was pro- duced by StageIt Malta in collaboration with Malta Public Transport and Fun- dación MAPFRE. Interested primary schools are being invited to register through this link or by sending an email to colea@public- Participating schools will receive a soft copy of the worksheet pack together with the link to the vide- os. Teachers of students who would have watched all three videos can request Street Smart certificates to presented to the children, together with a small gift as a memento of the Street Smart journey. Registrations are being offered free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information one can contact, Audrey Cole on colea@publictransport. Street Smart drives road safety campaign to primary children Street Smart campaign being launch at San Anton School in the presence of Mr Javier. Moreno, CEO at MAPFRE Middlesea and local representative of Fundación MAPFRE in Malta, Mr Konrad Pulé, General Manager at Malta Public Transport Teva strengthens its Malta presence with ongoing investments TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries has been developing and producing med- icines to help improve people's lives for more than a century. Being a global leader in generic and specialty medi- cines and Teva believes that every per- son should have access to quality med- icines. Teva Malta continues to strengthen its presence in Malta's pharmaceutical pro- duction industry with an investment of more than €30 million. is started in 2020, with €20 million being invested by the end of this year, and a further €11 mil- lion planned for 2023. is announcement was made during a visit by the Hon. Prime Minister, Dr Robert Abela to the Teva Malta site in Bulebel, along with the Hon. Minister for Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli and the Hon. Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri. "e aim of this continued investment is to strengthen our manufacturing facil- ities and position ourselves for growth, while allowing us to take on new projects in the coming months and years. is in- vestment is a strong sign of confidence in the Malta site of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries – which has the largest supply chain of any pharmaceutical company all over the world. It is also testament to the continuous improvement mindset and technical knowhow and capabilities of the hard-working employees of Teva Malta, from senior management to all employees in all areas and job grades," said Patrick Cachia, Site Managing Di- rector at Teva Malta. A total of €9 million were invested be- tween 2020 and 2021, a poignant move given that this period encompassed the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2022, Teva Malta invested an additional €11 million. ese investments include a new purified water system, a full fabric upgrade of three granulation bays, tool- ing for new product introduction, new chillers, compressors and house vacuum transfer systems to assist employee pro- tection. Furthermore, Teva has invested heavily in a future proof IT Enterprise transformation that included the optimi- zation, unification and seamless integra- tion of its IT landscape. In 2023, further investments to the tune €10 million are planned and will include new produc- tion equipment, new tooling to allow new product introduction and the exten- sion of a new quality control laboratory amongst others. Teva Malta's current operational man- ufacturing capacity is 2.2 billion tablets a year, with its plant being approved by the Malta Medicines Authority and other highly regarded Regulatory Authorities. e company is a global supplier of med- icines and exports to over 70 markets worldwide, including the European Un- ion, the Gulf States, Brazil, Chile, Taiwan, Canada, Singapore and Australia. Teva Malta is looking to add another 70 employees across multiple departments, to add to its present headcount of more than 430 highly skilled employees. is goes hand in hand with the company's recent move to a 24x7 shift operations. is is also possible thanks to the con- stant support of Malta Enterprise, INDIS and the Medicines Authority throughout these years, especially during the pan- demic, and also in terms of training assis- tance to upskill more employees. Mr Cachia added: "Central to these successes are Teva Malta's employees. e company recognises that its employ- ees are the greatest asset, and as such it demonstrates a critical focus on employ- ee wellbeing, inclusion and diversity. is has been recognised by the Foundation for Human Resource Development, which awarded Teva with the HR quality Mark for high employee-focused stand- ards within the company. Malta is also committed to equality and diversity, with its senior leadership team of split evenly between both genders, and 14 per cent of employees hailing from other various nationalities." Mr Cachia said: "e roots of what Teva Malta is today trace back to 1976, and to- day consists of state-of-the-art bulk man- ufacturing and packaging facilities, ware- houses, and testing laboratories which are maintained to the highest standards. e site became part of Teva Pharmaceu- tical Industries in 2016." e Teva site in Bulebel has a long suc- cess history and unique expertise in man- ufacturing and packaging of a complex portfolio of oral solid dosage forms. is has led to an excellent reputation with customers and a proven and established track record, even during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst strict protection and containment measures were taken to ensure the safety of its employees, Teva Malta continued its operation to supply more than 4.5 billion essential medicines to patients globally during the period. In line with the Teva's group environ- mental sustainability strategy, the com- pany has also introduced a number of energy reduction initiatives including the installation of more than 700 LED lighting units, planned installation of 1,328 PV panels, acquired new and more efficient HVAC systems and eliminated two diesel fuelled steam boilers. is has resulted in an accumulated reduction of electricity consumption equivalent to 6,000 houses in Malta annually.